Saturday, January 26, 2008
Our little snowbug...
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12:41 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Bug's first night in her "big girl" bed....
First of all, I have to say that I read all the reviews on this toddler bed (Walmart), before buying it, and they all said things like..."even a 9month pregnant mommy of three can put this only took 15 minutes!" Well, that pregnant mommy of three probably had directions in English too!!! In my box I only had Spanish instructions. I did figure most of it out from the pictures, but you know how clear those pictures can be!! Anyway, two hours later, DH finished it up when he got home. Turns out I put one of the bed rails on backwards....Good job, Mommy! Anyway, I was happy to be done with yesterday, and I asked myself "am I just adding to the craziness by transitioning Bug to a new bed tonight??
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7:29 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
For Whom the bell tolls....
Well, where do I begin?? The picture of Bug was taken when we were at the local indoor water park yesterday morning. Bug and I went with another Mommy and her daughter, Lily. We had a fun time, except for one slight error on my part. Right after we arrived inside, I heard this "cow bell" sounding bell...then I remembered that every 10 minutes a HUGE bucket of water splashes down over the kiddie area. Well, we made a mad dash to the kiddie area. It was a tad chilly, and at this point both girls' teeth are chattering and blue. We high-tail it to a spot in the shallow water where there are warm jets, and take a seat. Well, we mommies were talking away, and all of a sudden......GUSH!!! We had planted ourselves directly in the splash zone. It had so much force, it pushed Bug's face in the water, I grabbed her out, and of course she is hysterical. This was the beginning of our 2 hour toddler time at the water park. So, every ten minutes, when Bug heard the bell ring and saw the water get dumped, she would freak out and need to be held. Yeah, I felt like Mom of the Year. She seemed to like the lazy river, except of course the waterfall part. The mommies liked the lazy river the best, and we took about 3 passes on that. I think Bug and I will be frequenting the toddler time more is only $8.50 for both of us for two hours. Here are a couple more pictures:
Well, I am excited to say I received my Ellen sweepstakes prizes on Monday. I am also happy to say they are up for sale on Ebay! I haven't gotten my massager on Ebay yet, but am planning on doing that soon (read below).
Which leads me to today. Today was insane. My day started with a dentist appointment at 7:30am. DH brought Bug in with him, when he had his appointment (right after mine), then I left with Bug, and when he was done, he was heading into work. Fine. (I think that is the only thing that went right...) Next, with aching gums, Bug and I head to Walmart. We had major stuff to buy: toddler bed, mattress, closet organizer, car seat, and other household stuff. $300+ later, I pull up the van to the door to have them load all the big stuff in. I go to the trunk, turn the key, and POP!!! The handle breaks off in my hand. Literally. I said a word I probably shouldn't have, and luckily, got the trunk open. We actually do get everything to fit (although in the front passenger seat was Bug's stroller, because that is the only other place in the car it would fit!). I pulled out the key and it was bent. I said a quick prayer and twisted it back. YES!! It didn't break! DH can deal with the broken lock. I called DH and left him a VM about the lock. Next, we went to the local Brookstone store to pick up the "Ellen" massager. I get to the counter inside the store, and explain why they are going to give me a free $400 massager, and I get two blank stares. I go to give him my certificate, and Oh lovely, Bug's sippee cup leaked all over the inside of my purse. At this point, I just laughed, and gave him the milk spotted piece of paper.
Fifteen minutes later, they instruct me to go to the "tunnels" to pick up the item. I wondered at the time, if it would just be easier to put this in the stroller, and carry Bug the short distance to the car, but he insisted it would be easier to pick it up. Fine, so I get out to the car, and go to unlock the won't unlock. My key was still bent from the incident at Walmart an hour earlier. Again, I quickly ask God to just unlock my flippin' car, so I can get home...I jiggled it around a little more and CLICK! HALLELUJAH!!! ( I probably shouldn't have even locked it, but I had all that stuff from Walmart, and didn't want to risk it) So, now we are looking for the tunnels...I get to said tunnels, and guess what?? Yes, folks the tunnels are closed. I nicely call on my cell to the store, and kindly tell the guy the tunnels are closed. He directed me to another entrance, which was open. Lucky for him...
So, at this point Bug is starting to melt down. She screamed all the way to Wendy's. I had to stop and get her something to eat. I had to get to the car place that would fix the lock before heading home, and I knew she wouldn't last that long. I order a single cheesburger...$3.04!!! What?? It was unfortunate for the poor sap who took my order that I actually said what my brain was thinking..."What??? I can go to McDonald's and get one for 87 cents! That is ridiculous!" Having been that "poor sap" on the other end of a speaker, I felt horrible (after the fact). I actually didn't mean to say it, it just flew out. I was just so frazzled/stressed....Anyway, that is pretty much the end of my day. I got to the car place, Bug was still intact for the most part, although I still haven't found her barrette she was wearing. She ripped it out while screaming, somewhere between the mall and the car place. We arrived home, and I unloaded the car...(I had to open the trunk with a screwdriver--(thanks to Jim from the car place, who taught me how to do that!!), the box to the closet organizer wasn't glued securely, so when unloading it, all the metal pieces came flying out onto the ground of the garage....
At this point, I just laughed hysterically...what more can you do? Now, I am going to go put Bug's new bed together....Hope I made you laugh a little. I know I did....
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1:40 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
You can never hold your babies too much...
Well, it has been a tad crazy around here lately. We had some friends over on Saturday night. They have two boys, G & G. The younger "G"was born with some problems, but we were happy to see him looking so healthy! Bug enjoyed playing with the older "G", and they had a blast. At 9pm, they were crazy was hilarious.
Saturday morning, we had our first adoption class. It was a tad familiar, as it covered baby care, attachment, and bonding. They had it set up as 10 "stations". The stations included, bathing baby, feeding baby, carseat info, first aid/cpr, diapering baby, etc. At the diapering station, after getting a presentation on how to put a diaper on, the "instructor" asked us if we wanted to try...I said "no thanks...I will have to change one in about an hour or so--its nice just to watch for awhile!!" Anyway, we were done and then we brought lunch home for our friend, Jen who watched Bug. Thanks, Jen!!
This week is going to be busy. We have two playdates, dentist appts for both DH and I, and then we have our second adoption "interviews" on Friday. These are going to be individual meetings, talking mostly about our childhood. After these, we just have our home visit, and that is it.
A couple of months ago I happened upon a blogger mom whose son was dying of cancer. He was four. I have been following her postings, and her son got his wings yesterday. He is finally free. The posting was so sad, so real. After getting the update, I went upstairs, took (sleeping) Bug out of her crib and just held her. You can never hold your babies too much...these type of realities help us to appreciate our kiddos even more than we already do. Say "Hi" to God for us, Julian!
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8:54 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Huge update....
Here is a picture of our little Bug...she doesn't look so little here does she?? She is starting to look like a little girl now...Our baby is getting so big!! Where did the time go???
Well, DH and I had a nice evening out Saturday night. It was his company Holiday party. The party was at a brewery downtown. I can honestly say, we had a real good time. I think that was in part due to the fact that we actually used up all our drink tickets (that was the first time ever in 9 years of company parties!). I guess there is a first time for everything! Anyway, after we arrived and I called home to check and make sure Bug wasn't crying still, we had a nice dinner and of course some wine too! Although, I was relaxed and enjoying myself, I at one point looked down at my plate and realized I had cut ALL my meat up into little pieces. Once a Mom, always a Mom, I guess. It may have also had to do with the fact that my the time I was eating dinner, I was already on my second glass of wine. Who knows. Anyway, as we are sitting having dinner, I see a guy dressed up in a traditional German outfit sitting at the bar (Like this, but add 100 lbs and about 30 years!!).I thought..."oh, surely he is just someone employed by the brewery as entertainment...we aren't' really going to have a polka band are we...??" Yes, I was correct, he was employed by the brewery, and yes he was the entertainment. The entertainment was called "The Brewhaus Polka Kings". This was a trio of "grandpas" in their German outfits (reference above picture, but remember to add 100 pounds and 30 years!!), one playing the accordion, one on the drums and cymbals, and one on a saxophone. All I could think was..."Are you kidding?? Are we really going to sit here and listen to polkas the entire evening?" The good news is they only played for about an hour and a half (yes that was long enough for us!!)...the bad news--THEY PLAYED FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF!! (I know Grandpap is watching down from Heaven shaking his head at me--sorry Grandpap--I was never a fan of polkas.) DH and I were the only ones at our table that didn't know all the words to all the songs that were played! I couldn't believe it! The band even played "Ring of Fire"--I can honestly say that was the weirdest version of that song I have ever heard. Did I mention the guy playing the saxophone was wearing a blaze orange hunting cap and jacket??? Only in Wisconsin....
Adoption Update: Huge update here: We had our first "interview" meeting with out social worker this morning (Bug was again with a babysitter). This meeting was to turn in our first pile of paperwork, get the second pile of paperwork, and talk about our infertility and why we are here. We also found out our social worker, Maggie, is leaving BCS to be a stay-at-home mom. We were sad to see her go, but our new social worker, Heather, is great too. She has one biological child, and one daughter she adopted from China. So, our first meeting took almost two hours. We set up our individual appointments, which will be on January 25th. Luckily, I asked the question--"About how long will it take to have our home study done, and be "paper ready" and being shown to birthmothers..?" The answer: Early February. WHAT?!?!?! I remained calm, but instantly my brain started reeling. I am excited, yet omigosh, we have a ton of stuff to get done! YIKES! They said the quicker we have all our paperwork done, the quicker we can be approved (by the state and BCS to accept a child into our home), the quicker you will be officially "waiting". So, now we are in crazy mode, trying to get all of this stuff done. The social worker also said..."we are very excited about having you in our domestic program" reference to the fact that we are open to any race. They also said, that "this may happen very quickly..." It is very likely that our son or daughter will find us quicker than originally thought...God works in awesome ways! We attend our first class this Saturday. Since we will be paper ready before our classes are done, Heather (our social worker) did say that in the case of being chosen by a birthmother before our 18hr education requirement was completed, that they would find ways for us to get our 18 hours in that didn't entail waiting to finish the classes (they end in April). We would probably read books, do online courses, etc. Now, we are going to work on all the new paperwork, and especially our profile. This will be available online and in person to birthmothers.
That is about all for now...Please pray for God to bless our journey and most of all to bless all birthmothers who make the decision, the selfless act of love, to give their child a life they couldn't provide.
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1:16 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Green drool....
I don't know if you can see it real well in this picture, but here is Bug with green drool coming out of her mouth...Why, you ask?? Well, dear Bug went pee-pee in the potty all by herself, and her pee-pee prize is one turn of the bubble gum machine, which spits out M&M's (yes, I still have red and green Christmas M&M's in there...). Bug was so excited (that was the best part--seeing her get excited about the candy!!), she sat back down on her potty and ate her green M&M's. When she was done, she wanted more. I told her "All done"....she proceeded to say "Ahhhh Deee", and started to cry. Hence the green drool.
The girl is addicted to food. She would eat all day if we let her. It is amazing what she can put down. I am quite sure she can eat her cousin Erin under the table any day (Erin is six!)--and Bug is still only in the 35% for weight. For as much as she eats, you would think she would be at 100%!!
I have to say, not alot has been going on here. I have been stuck in the house most of the week until today. Our van had a broken windshield, so the guys came here to replace it, and said I couldn't drive it for two days. Yuck. So, today was the first time out this week. Let's just say I stayed a little longer at Walmart this morning than I should have. I was just happy to be out of the house.
This weekend begins a long string of Bug and babysitters. DH has his company Christmas (or should I be PC and say "Holiday"--Nah.) party on Saturday night, so we will be enjoying a few hours away together. That should be nice. Then, Tuesday morning we have our first meeting with our social worker, then Saturday we have our first adoption class. Bug will have quite a bit more exposure by the time we are done with this adoption. Probably a good thing...
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9:38 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
Random thoughts...
Here is our a sun dress given to her by Grandma. She is set for summer (or for FL in a couple of months) for dresses. I am officially counting down the days to our FL/visiting Mickey Mouse, GG Ma and GGPa, Amanda and Randy/going to a Twins pre-season game/and just relaxing on the beach vacation. This cold weather is nasty. Someone please remind me why I don't live farther south?? Both DH and I say this every winter. I am just tryin to think warm thoughts...
Adoption update: We have our first appointment/interview with our social worker on 1/15. Maggie told us that at that time we will get yet another packet of paperwork to fill out. This is more just reading and signing forms, though, which will be nice. I have ordered the three adoption books that we each have to read before our class in March. Our first class is in two weeks.
I am looking forward to hopefully getting my winnings from the Ellen show this week sometime. Hello, EBAY! I almost have to sell them just to recover the cost of taxes on the stuff... O-Well.
Well my quiet time was cut short today....Bug has just woke up from a "not long enough" nap. Her cough is getting worse...I anticipate a visit to the doctor very soon. Not good...More later.
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1:50 PM