Ummm, I bet you are wondering why Bug looks like a baglady?! Well this was just something to keep her occupied for a good 10 minutes while visiting with Great-Grandma Polly, Grandma and Grandpa, and all her great-uncles and aunts. The ribbons are saved (of course) by Grandma Polly (probably from the Christmas of 78') and she is just waiting for the perfect package to use them on. In the meantime, it served as a toy for a few minutes (and of course a funny picture, too!).
We had a great time visiting with family. Bug got to meet two of her Great-Aunts for the first time. We actually pulled off the surprise without a hitch (I can't believe it worked, with as chatty as my family it)!! Everyone managed to keep the secret for about two months. Anyway, Grandma had no idea that all six of her kids would be together this weekend at her house. The first suprise happened on Friday night--we went out for dinner, and the "waitresses" that came to take our drink order were actually two of my aunts, that my grandma hadn't seen in about four years. One came on each side of her. One asked her for her order, the other one started tucking a napkin in her shirt (like a bib)...the look on Grandma's face was priceless. I caught it on video--as soon as I figure out how to put it on here, I will do so. Saturday afternoon was the next surprise--We were all sitting in the living room at Grandma's house, and Uncle John is walking up the driveway. Grandma is actually standing at the front window, so I get her attention so that she will look away from the window (so she doesn't see him walking up the driveway!). He comes in the door, and someone says "Mom, there is someone at your door!!" She turns around and her son is there. It was so cute--Grandma just said "Oh, John, I love you!!" The night before, she has commented that she wished that John could have made it to the visit...we said "yeah, that is too bad". She was so happy that all her six children were together--and we are so glad we could make it happen for her. It was a great weekend of fun, laughs, sharing pictures, and catching up.
Also while we were visiting, Uncle Shane and Aunt Erin moved into their new house. It is perfect for their family, and is a pretty nice house. We are excited for them, and can't wait to spend the night sometime! We also went to brunch as the new hotel/casino in town (never in my life have I been in two different casinos in two different states, two weekends in a row!!!). That was a nice place, and a very yummy brunch. It was free too (I got a players card, and when you do that, you get a free brunch)!! Nothin' wrong with a free brunch!
So, the only downfall to the weekend, was it wasn't long enough. With all the family in town, I didn't get to visit with my friends at all. I had plans for a playdate with a friend and her son, and also plans to chat with my best friend and her family--neither of which happened. If you both are reading this, I am so sorry Shel and Cari!!! I promise soon we will meet up. It was just so busy with family, going here, going there, meeting here for dinner, etc.
So, after my long night on Monday night (Bug decided to get sick and throw up-for the first time--all over the inside of her pack and play at 1am!), Bug and I headed home. Normally, this trip would take 4 hrs, but Tuesday, it took us a little over 5hrs. Both of us were overtired from our bad night, so I made lots of stops (for caffeine and my sanity). Anyway, we finally made it home, and I was unpacking the van. The phone rings, and it is our social worker. We small talked, and finally, I asked..."so, what's up?" The words we have been waiting to hear.."A birthmom wants to meet you--will Monday at 7pm work??" WHAT?!?! Of course it works, and if it doesn't work, we will MAKE it work!! We are just praying for clarity for this birthmom, that she can find the right family for her baby--even if it doesn't turn out to be us. We just want the best for this little baby.
Anyway, we are getting nervous, but also am so excited to meet this young woman. I will post an update probably on Tuesday on how it went. In the meantime, here are some pictures from our weekend visiting with family:
Cousin Killian--Bug just calls him "baby"--he is 13 months old. Grandpa Mick and Grandma Kris with Bug and Killian
Dad and Mom's anniversary was that weekend too! Bug loves her Uncle John
Bug and Grandma Kris playing Peek-a-boo with Uncle John!
Here is the infamous lineup--From left: Aunt Sue, Uncle John, Aunt Cathy, My Mom, Uncle Denny, and Aunt Mel. They have been doing this lineup since my Grandma (and late Grandpa) moved to this house in the 60's. It is always fun to look back at all the different lineup pictures through the years. Believe it or not, they didn't coordinate, and happened to wear blue shades...except Uncle John. :-)
Grandma and her six children
Usually there is more craziness (because someone is always cracking a joke--Ahem, Cathy and Denny-- during the picture taking session!) when the six get together, but to their credit, wasn't nearly as tough to get a good picture as it has been in past years...
Uncle Shane and Aunt Erin standing in front of their new house--I was amazed at how much unpacking they accomplished in one weekend. I think by Sunday, they were pretty much finished!
Bug and Great-Aunt Sue
Great-Grandma and Bug sitting on the porch on a beautiful sunny day...
Kisses for Great-Grandma Polly
Walking with her Great-Grandma...I love this picture.
That's all for now...I will post an update sometime after our meeting with the birthmom on Monday night. Please...just pray for God to bless our meeting and expecially for clarity and strength for this young woman and her selfless decision to choose adoption for her baby.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A reunion for Great-Grandma, and "The Call"
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2:05 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Three Sisters hit Vegas, Baby!!!
I am still recovering from Vegas...So because I am still sooooo tired, I am just going to leave you with my highlight pictures..Hope you enjoy! By the way, I wore my pedometer the entire four days, we walked 26 miles!! DH put it like this--"you walked a marathon in four days!" Sounds alot more when you say it like that...
This is a view of the Strip from our 15th floor hotel room (fancie-dancie hotel room, that is!!)
Here is a picture of our resort--The Red Rock Resort and Casino--I won this trip courtesy of The Ellen DeGeneres show! Thanks Ellen! The Trump Tower--I guess "The Donald" was in town the day before for the Grand Opening.
Kim and Tracy in the Botanical Garden
At Caesar's Palace...
At the NY NY hotel
The next few are pictures of the Strip at night from the top of the Stratosphere
Boy, am I glad I brought our new camera with me to Vegas! This picture turned out REAL well!
The fountains at the Bellagio--they go off every 15 minutes at night, choreographed to a song. Very cool!
Heading home--this is a picture of the Strip (on left) and the airport (on right), about two minutes after taking off.
Cool picture of the mountains on the way home...
Posted by
9:04 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
A Wonderful Day....
How beautiful are these daffodils?? A friend of mine surprised me, and stopped over this morning with these for my birthday. How nice! Thanks Jennifer!! Is is so nice when someone surprises you!
Well, I am a year older. I am 25....and holding! Or maybe 32, I don't remember! My memory is so horrible!?! :-) Anyway, I had a wonderful day. I did absolutely nothing, except play and have fun with Bug. We met Daddy at Stonefire Pizza for dinner. The best way to describe Stonefire Pizza is a very upscale Chuck E. Cheese with a buffet, and lots of games for older kids/adults too, including bumper cars, and a rock climbing wall. We had such a fun time. (I will post pictures at the end of this post.) Bug love trying to roll the balls to help Mommy play skee-ball.
We did have a somber moment--we were in the toddler area, and there was a Mom, Dad, and daughter (who after talking to the them, we found out the little girl's name was Claire, and she was a month younger than Bug). The Dad was a quadriplegic. I watched him watching his little girl run around playing with our Bug, and was in awe. He had so much joy in just watching her--you could just tell. Simple things like looking up to see your daughter playing in the gym he couldn't do without blowing in a straw that controlled his wheelchair to back-up. We as a society just take too much for granted. I am just as guilty as the next person. After talking with them for a few minutes, we left to head to a different play area. It was a kind reminder of the blessing of health we all have. Next time Bug runs off, and I get cranky because I have to run after her, I will just think of that Father watching his precious daughter, knowing he will never be able to run after her. Very humbling...
I am so excited about going to Las Vegas on Friday....I am also nervous as heck about leaving Bug for 3 days too! I think I am underestimating the emotions I am going to have. This will be the first time I will have been away from Bug for more than 8 hours--EVER!! Luckily, DH will be taking Bug to visit with his parents, so hopefully, she will be occupied enough to ease her missing her Mama. Recently, she has been connected at my hip, basically. I think it is fair to say, that I am sure I will have fun, but a big part of me will still be with my Bug...(and of course my DH!!)
That is about all here--Here are some pictures from my "25th birthday party":
Here we are playing skee-ball (actually I think it was called "Ice-ball" Bug is holding the "iceball" Bug in the "water room" in the toddler area
Look at all the tickets Bug won shooting basketballs!!!
Daddy helping Bug shoot baskets
Ignore the "32"--I don't know why DH put that there--it should say "25"!!
Making a wish...and just being grateful for what we have.
Posted by
9:28 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
It's like giving an alcoholic a drink....
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1:13 PM