It has been crazy busy here this week, so I know I am behind on our update from last weekend so here goes: Here is a picture of Bug and her cousin, Killian dancing at Grandma Polly's house last weekend. We had so much fun visiting with both families, but it was also a hectic, long weekend. Everyone was so excited to meet (and hold) Little Man, and after awhile, Little Man had had enough. Towards the end of the trip he started to get real fussy...which is to be expected when you have been held by like a thousand people (ok, maybe like 15, but to him it probably felt like a thousand!).
I will attach pictures of the last week at the end of this entry. Bug has a new word-- "Esmoko kisssss". I taught her to do a "Eskimo kiss" (rub noses for those who aren't aware...)--she has no problem rubbing noses, but has a slight mispronunciation. O-well, that will come with time. It is so cute, though, when she wants a esmoko kiss...
Today, church was interesting. Bug was real squirmy, mostly because we had a late night, last night at a friends house, and was quite vocal. Daddy had to take her out a couple of times. Near the end, right before communion, there was a violin/piano solo. The piano always keeps her attention, so that was good. The second the music was over, and right before the Pastor prepares the table for communion, Bug yells..."ALL DONE!!" (meaning the music was all done..) This was loud enough that the entire church heard her very clearly! There were a few chuckles, and I couldn't hold it together, I was laughing so hard. I told her to whisper, then she continued to whisper loudly, "ALL DONE"....until more music started. Oh, have I mentioned she also thinks our pastors are Jesus...??? Every time one of them passes us, or she sees them up at the altar, she points and calls out..."Ge-dus Ge-dus". What a sweetheart....
Little Man is doing awesome. I had a few sleepless nights last week, as he had some REAL gassy days. He seems to be getting better and for that we are grateful. We had a visit with Little Man's birthmom this week, which went well. After discussing Little Man's baptism with "H" and her mom, we got the "OK" to have him baptized, which will happen on August 3rd. Please continue to pray for "H" and her family...they are such wonderful people.
Now, on with the slide show of pictures--brace yourself, there is alot--enjoy!Great Grandma Polly and Bug
Second cousins..Bug and Malcolm--I only hope that they can be close like Malcolm's dad and Bug's mommy were when they were growing up...
Great Grandma Polly holding Little Man for the first time...
Malcolm having ice cream with Great Grandma Polly at 4 in the afternoon....sweet moments.
Bug and her Grandma
This is Brie (Little Man's godparents' daughter) holding Little Man. Brie's Mommy is going to have a baby boy (who will be named the same as our Little Man) in October.Cousins--Ashton holding Little Man
Take a guess as to how long it took me to get this picture...(Ashton holding LM, Bug and Killian)
IS SHE EVER GOING TO STOP KISSING ME?!?!?!My cousin Keith, his wife Lora and their son, Malcolm (who live in Colorado).
Any guesses on how long it took me to get THIS picture?!?! Yes, much longer than the one with just the kids...This is Great Grandma with 5 of 10 of her great-grandchildren.
A very unflattering picture of me, but DH and I went out for a couple of hours (just to have some adult time while visiting DH's family), in Dad's Miata convertible...I thought it was a cute picture.
Cousin Tara with Little Man
Cousin Erin with Little Man
WHAT?!? Are you telling me, that more people are going to hold me?!?
Grandpa (or PaPa as Bug now calls him..) being a good sport while the grandkids pile their stuffed animals on him
Taking a snooze with Uncle Michael
Ooooooo, he is tiny!
Cousin Andrew holding LM for the first time, under the watchful eyes of his sisters...
Aunt Tracy holding Little Man
Grandpa and Bug on the rock in Grammy and Grandpa's backyard
The five grandkids on the rock...
Finally, back home. Time to snuggle with my Little Man...
After a few sleepless nights and days, I had a EUREKA! and decided to try stomach did the trick for the gas now when he is gassy, he naps on his stomach (only when we can see him at all times.. .of course!)
HOLY GIRLS, BATMAN!! Last night we went to some friends house, and got together with some of DH's high school classmates. From left: Bug, Katie, Grace, Olivia, and Anna. Three boys there but not pictured: Brandon, Alex and Little Man.
That is all for now...I hear Little Man grunting (great, more gas!!), and I hear that Bug is up from her nap...must go for now!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Random thoughts/happenings from the last week...
Posted by
1:54 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The big sister and little brother's first photos...
As promised in my last blog are the professional pictures. It was Bug's 2 yr pictures, and Little Man's first (of many) session. I know I am biased, but I think they turned out pretty darn good!! Enjoy!
Posted by
1:58 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Before and After....
Today I pick up the professional pictures we had taken of the two kids about two weeks ago. I will post them next week sometime...
I am also trying to pack for our long weekend trip to visit both families. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon, and coming home Sunday night. Little Man will get to meet his great-grandmother, and more cousins, aunts and uncles, and even a second cousin! Mommy's cousin Keith and his wife Lora and their son Malcolm are going to be there to meet Little Man, and we are so excited to see how Malcolm has grown over the past two years. It will be interesting packing for two children this time...
DH called yesterday from work to let me know of a business trip he has planned in August. We are probably going to go along with him. I think it would be hard for me for a week with two little ones, plus, if we go along, we can go swimming in the hotel pool everyday, and do fun stuff during the day. I am all for a change of pace...for a bit anyway! I told DH the only way I was going is if the hotel was nice, had a nice pool and there was a mall close by. :-)
Little Man's first mommy came over for a visit last week. It is always nice to see her, and she seemed so happy. Here is a before and after picture:
Posted by
10:52 AM
Monday, July 7, 2008
A long fun weekend...
Not much more to update--Little Man's stomach has officially woke up. He is eating like crazy now--4 oz every 3-4 hours. Bug is still lovin' on him every moment she can get...she loves him so! We have enjoyed getting into a schedule...finally. Bug is back to her normal sleeping schedule, and Little Man is getting into a schedule too--which always helps Mommy and Daddy. Luckily, I still have about 2-3 hours of "free" time in the afternoon. Little Man always naps when Bug does in the afternoon....YAY!!! I will still be able to scrapbook....for now anyway. I am sure that will change soon.
Not much more...Here are a large batch of pictures from our long weekend:
Lovin' on her brother
He is so smiley all the time...(must be gas again!!)
In about 2 minutes, she was running through. I am pretty sure she liked it more than her swimming pool! It was so funny to see her having so much fun.
Posted by
10:50 AM
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