Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A budding photographer...

Yesterday, Bug was acting bored, and she is ALWAYS asking to use our camera, SO I let her take our camera around the house and take whatever pictures she wanted to. The only rule was the camera strap HAD to stay around her neck--no dropping the camera, putting it in water, etc. (I would NEVER be able to trust Bubby to do this at 3!!) She was gone for about 20 minutes, then came back and said.."I'm done Mommy. Look at my pictures." She took about 50 pictures, and this is a sample of what she took:

Ok, not bad...and in focus too!
Gotta take pictures of the LeapFrog fridge letters...
Ok, here we are downstairs in the 'Little People' bin of toys....again, in focus. Very good.THIS is the picture that made me laugh out loud...proof that I am not a horrible keeper of the impromptu picture of the toilet bowl?? Not bad lookin...

Enough of that--OK, here are some pictures taken recently:

This is a picture of our son eating spaghetti a couple of nights ago. He was actually taking a noodle, putting it in between his big toe, then putting it in between his other big toe, then taking it out and eating it. Lovely. THAT makes me proud.
DISCLAIMER TO ALL MOMS, SISTERS, GRANDMAS, ETC: I realize how unsafe this is, because of the proximity to the brick fireplace, however, when I saw it, instead of freaking out, I grabbed the camera. This picture was taken this morning. We were rocking out to some music, and each kiddo had a flashlight, which they were using for a microphone. I walked out to the kitchen for a few minutes, and peeked in to check on them, and this is what I saw. Bug was talking and yelling in her "microphone" and Bubby was screaming in his "microphone". In hindsight, I should have grabbed the camcorder instead...but o-well. Bug rockin' out "onstage"

Bug had another milestone today--her first REAL dentist appointment. She really should have had it about three months ago, around her third birthday, but it was re-scheduled twice, so here we are. She was a trooper. No tears. She was an angel. It may have helped that Bug got to meet "Miss J" (the dental hygienist) on Sunday because she goes to our church. I thought it would be a good thing to meet her ahead of time, so Miss J and Bug chatted a bit before church on Sunday. Here are some pictures from this morning:

Bug getting ready for Miss J to come in and start cleaning her teeth. I don't know this kind lady's name, but Thank You kind lady for being so nice to my baby on her first dentist appointment
Happy to get the junk scraped off her teeth!
This is my other angel baby...Bubby sat completely quiet the entire 35 minutes Bug was in the chair. I was amazed. I think it helped that I had to wake him up from his nap to go to the dentist, so he was kinda out of it. As long as he has his blankie when he is tired, he usually doesn't make a peep. Nice.
Playing with the HUGE toothbrush, while waiting for Miss J to come...
"The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades..."
Almost done...
Bug cracks me up...the entire time, she held her arm up so her bracelets wouldn't fall off...hilarious. Watch out for the glare! I think Dr. B needs a hat!
DONE!!! She was SO excited to choose her own new toothbrush (pink, of course!) AND toothpaste (bubble gum or mint), and a toy from the treasure chest. She also got her name entered in a monthly drawing for a teddy bear, because she didn't have any cavities. Yay, Bug!

Family Pictures...

Here are only a handful of the family pictures we had taken this past weekend. Enjoy!Bubby - 15 Months time flies!

Bug 3 years 3 months, and Bubby 15 months
I really liked this picture originally, until I got the big one I ordered, and all you can see of Bug is from the shoulders up. It was cropped and zoomed so much, it looked like Bug was photoshopped in... (???)
Ok, now to extended family pictures. These are my sisters kids.
My sister's son, KM. He is so darn cute!!!
This is KM's baby sister, RK. Ummm, yeah, you can tell they are siblings...if you compare KM's baby picture with this, they look ALOT alike.
That is a good picture. My sister, her husband, and kids.
My brother, L, and baby L. Baby L looks like his Mama...he is so cute!
Baby L
All the Grandkids--I didn't realize till just now that Bug and her cousin KM are holding hands. So cute!
My baby brother, D--now THAT makes me feel old!!
The 4 siblings--good picture, bad background.
My parents
...and FINALLY, the whole "Motley" crew...

A visit home...

We left to head to my hometown to visit my family, and to get some professional pictures taken. Here is a picture of Grandma reading to Bug and KM. It was actually a nice 1/2 weekend, spent only with family. No running around--just family time. Had a great time. Saturday afternoon we had professional pictures taken, because it has been 5 years since we have had family pictures taken. We spent almost 3 hours with the photographer! Yikes...I guess that will happen when you have to photograph 16 people in a group, then breakout photo sessions of every family, then individual groups of kids. It wasn't as insane as I thought it would be. All the kids were awesome, and the only meltdown we had was the two month old--and that was because she was hungry. Literally, the other six kids were angels. I was amazed.

Here are some pictures from the 1/2 weekend: Last of the pictures at my Grandma's house. It is on the market, and has since had an offer. Me and my babies on Gram's front step Daddy and Bug holding RK... Grandma helping Bug feed RK At the photo shoot--killin' some time in between shots. My brother and his son L
Daddy playing legos with Bubby and KM

Professional pics to follow soon...

His final journey...

I am going to start this off by telling you a bit about someone I know named John. He is in his early 40's. I don't know him too well--he is the brother of a good friend of mine. I have met him only a handful of times, but know enough about him to know he is an amazing soul. He is losing his battle with cancer, and will be heading to Heaven very soon. His immediate family has been fighting cancer for years...six of seven of their family members have had cancer--everyone except the matriarch of the family. So sad. Please pray for peace for John as he prepares for his final journey, and for the rest of the family just to have peace.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rewind to August 1, 2008

I am now getting caught up on posting pictures from the recent past. Here are some pictures of my hubby's cousin's wedding, we attended the day before we moved. Enjoy! This is a beautiful garden at the local zoo that we took the kids to for a few hours. A beautiful place, and it was free too!!

At the hotel, the day before the wedding having fun in the pool. L-R: Erin, Andrew, Aunt Tracy, Bubby, Bug, Uncle Michael
Bug and her Auntie, having fun on the water slide!
After the ceremony, waiting for our turn for pictures. (Aunt Tracy and Great Grandma)
Great Grandma with her Grandchildren (minus Matt who was at home awaiting the arrival of his child)
Bug met a friend at the wedding, Maddie
Great Grandma with Chris and Steve, after the ceremony
The cake....beautiful. I am partial though, because we had navy blue, white and silver for our wedding colors too!! Excellent choice on colors, Steve and Chris!!
I love this picture!! (totally posed, though!!)
This is the first of the professional pictures. This is the entire (minus 4 who couldn't make it) family. The Groom is DH's cousin.
Congrats, Steve and Chris!! We are so happy for you both!
Candid shot taken by the professional photographer, taken outside at the reception. I love this picture!
Daddy dancing with his babes...
Dancin' with my little girl...
This picture was taken shortly after Bug vomited in my hand on the dance floor, because she was a crazy girl dancing so hard too soon after her meal. I made her sit for awhile with a glass of water for a break. I can tell in this picture, she has a mouthful of water. Nice.
Dancin' with Cousin Jen