Ok...I am SO glad the eggs are going to be out soon. I can't deal with the emotional side of this...(neither can DH!!) We were in for another ultrasound/blood draw this morning. Nurse mentioned that they upped my meds because my "E2" levels weren't as high as they should have been (blood results). ((Saleen--is E2 estrogen??)) Low E2 levels, mean maybe no eggs, or not good enough eggs in the follicles. Follicle count is the same sitting at 11-12, but the sizes are what count now. I have 6 follicles that are 20-22mm in width. Yes, that is big, and YES, I am feeling it today. The size is a tad larger than I remember from the last cycle, but the nurse says these measurements are fine. Nurse did say, though, that they are hoping to see a E2 result of at least 1000 (from my blood draw for today) to be able to do the final IM shot and be able to pull my eggs. If it isn't, it would be a huge concern that there maybe aren't eggs there...
So, when we got home and this information the nurse gave us set in, I freaked out. What if my eggs aren't mature enough, and are garbage? What if there aren't any eggs? Am I too old already? I wonder what goes through DH's head when I have these "moments". He calmly told me to just wait and see what the blood results for today were, before I freak. I cried, and Bug just stared at me and came over to cuddle and give me a kiss. It is amazing how little ones just know when you are sad. She is so receptive of my emotions--sometimes more than DH!!! :-) Maybe it is a girl thing...She has done this before. If I am crying over an episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition, she will come over to me and sit by me and suck her thumb. Us girls have to stick together, right???
So, we were getting in the van this morning to head to the Dr office, and DH mentioned he thought a "book" was in the "pocket" of the sliding door. I said, "Book?? What are you talking about??" I got in the back next to Bug (to feed her breakfast on the way to the Dr because we were running late..), and looked at the "book". The "book" turned out to be a previously frozen Lean Cuisine meal that must have fallen out of the grocery sack last time I went shopping (and took a sharp turn), and landed in this pocket on the door. When we go, we buy for the entire month (usually), so it had to be at least 3wks ago. I picked the box out, and after I realized what it was, my jaw dropped. There was mold on the outside of the box, and it was nasty. (for the record, the "pocket" on the door is rigid, and the exact same height of the box, so it hid just perfectly...) Lovely...
I just checked my voicemail box, and my levels are 1273. :-) Nurse says the Dr is very happy with the results and will harvest tomorrow, and pull the eggs on Monday. This means another ultrasound/blood tomorrow, then tomorrow night, I will have my first IM (muscular) shot. This shot does the final maturation of the eggs in preparation for retrieval. These REALLY hurt. DH does these, as they are done in my hip. IM shots will start then on Monday, and continue till I find out if I am pregnant. Sunday will be my only day, that I will be free of any shots. But, for now, I am just happy that my levels are normal for today....this makes me extremely relieved. I am going to go rest now...I will update again tomorrow after the appointment.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Moldy Lean Cuisine meal...
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12:45 PM
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