Here is a picture of Bug and her Easter basket that was sent to her by Grandma and Grandpa H. She loves her Horton, and especially her Horton book. Thanks Grandma Kris and Grandpa Mick!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I am sorry...I am too lazy tonight
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8:58 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
2 out of 96...!
So, this Easter season I thought I would make Jell-O Egg Jigglers, since Bug likes jello. I have 4 egg molds that I have had for approximately 9 years. I tried it a couple of years with no problem. This year, not so much. I ended up doing two batches of jigglers, 8 different boxes of jello, and this is what I ended up with:
Happy Easter to everyone, drive safely if you are travelling, and Love to all!
Posted by
11:04 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The True Meaning of Easter
I am posting this picture (I may have posted in previous blog entries) because it is cute, and reminds me of warm weather. The forecast is calling for 3-6 inches of snow beginning tonight after midnight, and continuing till tomorrow night. We may be hiding eggs in the snow on Sunday....CRAZINESS!!
Anyway, Happy Birthday Uncle Matt!! We are sorry that Chloe (er Mommy) is late getting your birthday card out in the mail. Wait! My calendar says your birthday isn't till the 29th of March!! Whew!! (wiping the sweat from my brow..) We still have a few days then!
Bug has learned some new things recently:
1) She can successfully use doorknobs. We found this out over the weekend, when Grammy and Grandpa were here. We thought she was in bed, and I was on my way to check up on her, and she was standing at the top of the stairs, beaming a huge smile at me. Success! Before she was back asleep, there was a "safety" doorknob cover put on the inside of her door...
2) She has learned to "Hop" (like the Easter Bunny). The only problem--she likes to do it off the bottom step. She has only cracked her lip once...
3) Just today, she learned how to unscrew her sipee cup (and I tighten them pretty well--in the past, even DH has commented.."is it really necessary to tighten the lids so tight??" I guess so.) Yes, she choose to learn to do this on a day that I was showering, as she had her Eureka! moment. I think this would be the time to transition to a regular cup....what do you think?! There were some puddles of milk, along with some yellow, blue and green gunk. It took me a bit to figure out, but that would be a few Lucky Charms marshmallows, mixed with milk. Almost made me gag...
4) She has learned to shake a Easter egg before bothering to open it to check for a treat. If the egg makes no sound, she drops it and looks for more eggs...Smart girl.
Do you know it has been a month of waiting already?? It doesn't feel like it...which I guess is a good thing. While my personality tends to obsess about stuff, weirdly, I don't obsess about when we will get "The Call". We just pray about it daily, and I just have this peace about it--I can't explain.
We will be heading to church tonight, tomorrow night, and of course on Sunday. This is my favorite humbles me to be reminded of what Easter really means...He gave His life for us, and because He rose again, we have the hope of eternal life.Very simple. What more can we ask for?
Posted by
1:04 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Stroller with Steroids....
Here is our Bug working on her egg hunt that Grammy and Grandpa did for her while they were visiting this weekend. This is the best picture I could get of her--she refused to keep the ears on! Thanks a huge bunch Grammy and Grandpa for coming and helping us this weekend. They watched Bug for six hours on Saturday, so we could attend another mandatory adoption class. We really appreciated it!
Well, Bug had been in a "phase" recently. This "phase" included fighting naps and bedtime by screaming for two hours. It also included waking up multiple times during the night crying. Lovely. Luckily, this so-called "phase" has officially ended. I think the "phase" was really her last two teeth cutting through. You'd think I would have figured that out by now, seein' as though all her teeth are in now!! (duh, mommy!) O-well, we all made it through. Although, tonight she has started with a (almost) 102 degree fever and bad diarrhea. Again, I am hoping it is the teeth, but am skeptical. We are just hoping it isn't another influenza strain.
We went out today and purchased our double stroller (hopefully to be in use very soon!). Bug helped me assemble it--Hey, whatever can keep her busy for 30 minutes!! She proceeded to crawl all over it, like it was a jungle gym. Again, whatever can keep her busy, is fine by me! Daddy came home from work, and called it the "Stroller with Steroids". Nice.
Tonight we dyed eggs in preparation for Easter. Bug had a fun time.She loved dropping the eggs in the colored cups, and then fishing them out with the spoon. It was so cute. Here are some pictures of our weekend, and our Easter preparations:
Bug with Grammy
Daddy with the bunny ears on
Bug found another egg!!
Breakfast with Grandpa
Bug dying Easter eggs Our Easter eggs...(notice the "Happy St. Pat's Day" egg)
I am off to bed now...must hit the sack early, as I have a feeling I may be up with Bug tonight. Will write more later this week...
Posted by
9:01 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Our profile was shown...
Here is a picture I took of my two beach bums on our last day in Florida last week. DH is videotaping me taking the picture...I love the waves in the background.
Adoption Update: I just got an email from our social worker, that our profile was shown recently, and the birthparents chose a family, and was meeting with that family today. I have no idea if we were in the "running" or not. Am I disappointed?? Of course, only because we want another child so badly. It does feel weird though, that we have come so far in such a short amount of time. I was sort of shocked to hear that we have been presented to a birthmom/parents already. I am reminded of the sermon on Sunday...The pastor was talking about how our timing isn't always God's timing. I learned to have patience while waiting to be blessed with our Bug, but this waiting is a little different. Needless to say, I felt as though the sermon was meant for me. What I know for sure--There is a baby out there especially for us. It may be next week, or next year, but that baby is out there, in God's plan and His own timing...
Today Bug and I went swimming at the indoor water park. I am amazed at how much energy our Bug has!! She was going strong after two and a half hours. I actually had to remove her from the pool, because "Mommy and Me" time was over! She wasn't too happy with me, but I guess that is life. I was wiped out, and could barely move. I literally could not keep my eyes open...
Baby news--My best friend is expecting a baby in October. We are so excited for her. This is #2 for her and her husband, and we couldn't be more happy for them. Please pray for Shel and the baby...
Posted by
9:08 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Home again...
Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's house

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9:36 PM