We had a wonderful time--plenty of fun family time. First we visited with DH's grandparents for three days. From there we went to Tampa, and stayed with our friends, Amanda and Randy. We stayed with them for four days--thanks for putting up with us guys! You were great hosts! While there, we went to the Florida Aquarium, Fort DeSoto Beach (best kept secret in FL!!), Magic Kingdom, and just hung out and relaxed. We then went to a hotel for a day just have some time to ourselves, and mostly because Mommy wanted to sit on the beach. We had planned on going to a pre-season Twins vs Tampa Bay baseball game, but the weather was bad, and later we found out it was rained out. We learned our lesson this year, and we will be staying on the beach much longer than one day, next year. I missed getting to see sunsets/sunrises...that is my idea of vacationing. How awesome is a beautiful sunset? Life can't get much better than that...
A couple of funny vacation stories: 1) Bug absolutely loved the rides at Magic Kingdom. After we were done with each ride (that she could go on), we would tell her "all done". Her bottom lip would come out, and she would proceed to cry...it was so cute. 2) While waiting in line for the carousel, Mommy feels a warm "puddle" growing on her shirt...somehow (I still can't figure it out...) Bug managed to pee out of the side of her diaper onto my shirt. Can you believe her clothes were completely dry?!?! Luckily, the mom part of my brain decided to bring a spare shirt that day (although the peed on shirt was yellow, so once dried, probably unnoticable!) 3)On the way home on the plane we were on a flight where they give you two warm chocolate chip cookies. (Midwest Airlines Rocks!!) We told Bug she would get a cookie. (her word for cookie is "doe-gee") As soon as the flight attendant appeared with two cookies in a napkin for her, she yelled..."Ohhhhhh, doe-gee"!! I have never seen so much excitement from her before. From that point forward, every male passenger that walked by, she would yell "doe-gee"(the flight attendant that brought her cookies was a man)!!
There are so many more stories, but I am too tired to write more. I will leave you with some pictures:
Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's house
Cuddling up with Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma
Taking a morning walk--and getting a ride on Daddy's shoulders!

Taking a walk at Fort DeSoto Beach

We love Florida

Doesn't this remind you of "Bruce" from Finding Nemo? (Florida Aquarium in Tampa)
Celebrating Daddy's 35th Birthday
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