This picture was taken to show just exactly how big the "Dumbo head" was...this costume was a size 18-24 months. (???)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Rock-a-mama cookies....
This picture was taken to show just exactly how big the "Dumbo head" was...this costume was a size 18-24 months. (???)
Posted by
9:48 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
A new home for a cherished piece....
Well, I had a wonderful weekend visiting with my family. I did all I set out to do this weekend--meeting my friends new son, Samuel, picking up the desk my Grandma wanted me to have, going to a craft fair with Mom and my sister, and much more. I stayed at my parents house one night, and my Grandma's house the other night. While staying at my Grandma's house, it wasn't as emotional as I thought it would be. I think because we were always busy. We did come across something very dear to me. When I was little (between 2 and 4 yrs old) my grandparents used to record me on audio tape singing. Singing anything-prayers, nursery rhymes, basically anything you can think of (my mom told me that when we used to go to a store, I would sing the entire time we were walking around..). So, we found three of those audio tapes. We listened to them, and one song in particular brought me to tears (in addition to the first time I heard Grandma's voice on the tape). It was of me and Grandma singing a song together, when I was about 3 or so. It went like this:
We also cleaned out the secretary desk (pictured above, in it's new home) that my Grandma wanted me to have, and loaded it in my van, along with her glider. She only bought her glider about 3 years ago, but it was her favorite, and every time we were there, she was sitting in it. It was weird seeing so much open space in her living room...just another reminder. I held it together pretty well during the trip, but on the four hour drive home, is when it seems to hit me. When I have nothing to do but drive and think, I start remembering all the fun times, the conversations we had, memories as a child, and then the tears come....
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1:45 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Playing in the leaves...
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9:20 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Crazy week...
Well, our week started out at Little Man's birthmom's basketball game. We had a good time, and "H" did a pretty good job! This is a picture of LM's birthmom's mother.
Thursday brought a 4 month check-up for Little Man. He got two shots, and he wasn't too happy about that at all. He checked in at 17lbs 4 oz, and 28 inches long. He is in the 95th percentile for both height and weight. Yikes...he is about a week from being out of his infant carseat. That should be interesting going grocery shopping. I guess it will have to be LM strapped on the front of me, and Bug in the cart I guess...
Friday, DH and I had our 10th anniversary celebration (about 2 months late...). We went out for dinner, then to a play. We had a good time, and actually talked....funny how that works when there aren't any diapers to be changed, hands to be washed, bottles to be washed, etc. It was weird though, going out with no diaper bag, and having a purse that only had necessities. No extra diapers, undies, travel potty seat, wipes, bottle, bib, snack cup, no extra outfits when the diaper can't hold what a 8 oz of formula does to a baby...shall I go on?!? :-) Anyway, it was just good to re-connect. Every time we do our date nights, we always say we should do it more often....that just never happens. In a perfect world I would like to be able to have date nights 2-3 times a month...hmmm, probably not gonna happen!
Saturday, I attended a Bethany adoption class...that was very emotional. They had a panel of birthmom's and the class just listened to their stories, and asked questions. It really hit home for me too...I think I was grieving a bit for our birthmom and her family knowing what a blessing and joy our Little Man is to us, and how much we cherish him each and every day. During parts of the class, there wasn't a dry eye in the entire room . I will definitely be attending again...
This week is fairly open. Ahhhh, a week of nothing going on! I will be getting ready to visit my family this weekend. I am going by myself for the weekend for a few reasons: meeting my best friends baby boy, Samuel, going to a massive craft fair with my mom and sister, helping to clean a little at Grandma's house, and bringing back some of the things she wanted me to have. It will be bittersweet, but I am really looking forward to staying in her house--being close to her stuff. I do miss her so much...and some days it feels like I just have to take time and grieve. It is sometimes hard to do with two little ones for that reason, I am glad I am going by myself. It is a much needed visit...
Well, I am STILL trying to figure out our new computer (and Windows Vista--Grrrr, don't get me started!!!), but DH figured out how to resize our pictures to email and put in the blog. :-) I still haven't figured out how to add new email addresses to my address book. Another oopsy we did is we didn't copy over our old address book to the new computer. So, I have no email addresses of anyone. If you are reading this, please email me a note, just so I have your email address, and I will put it into our address book. Gracias!
Now, here are a few pictures from the past week. It was quite busy, so I don't have alot--actually barely any. Most of these came from today. Unfortunately, LM was sleeping during the leaf pictures, so I will get some leaf pictures of him and his sister and post them later this week. Enjoy!
At the basketball game on Tuesday..."H" is the last one on the "bench"
LM flirting with Bug's baby doll (that pees after you feed her some water in a bottle). This baby also randomly coos, and moves her arms and legs. I sat the baby there to keep him happy, and it did--I got to eat lunch in peace!
Playing in the leaves todayTaking a ride on her "sit and spin"
...and taking a spill from her "sit and spin"
Posted by
10:08 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
Trying something new...
I am actually blogging from our new computer. My DH worked like crazy to get it up and running over the weekend so that I didn't have to worry about little fingers messing with two computers for days on end. It is nice....I can get used to it for sure! I have a fancy little program that makes movies from your pictures. I can make a movie in about 15 minutes now!! So, my first movie is below--from our trip to the zoo yesterday.
I actually have lots of new pictures to post, but I have to figure out how to reduce them in size, so as not to use up all my space that blogger allows...As soon as I figure that out, you will be able to see them.
Not much else going on here--potty training is going very well. Tomorrow night we are going to one of Little Man's birthmom's basketball games. We are exited to see her play--I am sure she is very good! Thursday brings Little Man's four month check-up--any guesses on how much he weighs??? My money is on 18 pounds. Friday night is date/celebration night for DH and I. We are going to a play, and dinner to celebrate our 10th anniversary (belated due to my Grandma's passing). And to finish off the week, Saturday I am going to a four hour adoption class from 8am-noon. It is a required class for those wanting to adopt through our agency, and DH attended in April. I was unable to attend on that date, so they gave me another "assignment" in lieu of going to that class, so that we could get approved. Well, DH raved about this class, and said I should go to the next one, even if we do get placed before that. So, I am going to go. It is a class that stressed the importance of the adoption triad (adoptee, birthfamily, and adoptive family). The majority of the class is a panel of people in the adoption triad and it is open questions to those people. Now, having been through the adoption process, and having a good, open relationship with Little Man's birthfamily, it will be interesting to hear everyone's stories (since the people attending the class will likely not have ever been through adoption before...).
I think that is all for now...until I can figure out how to resize the most recent pictures, enjoy the video!
Posted by
2:21 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
It may be awhile...
Anyway, we just got a new computer, so it may be awhile before you see another entry from me. I have to spend my spare time the next few days transferring over all our pictures (and files)...and those who know me well, know how many pictures I take....See you in a week or so! Here are a few more pictures from yesterday...
Posted by
1:57 PM
Friday, October 10, 2008
From M&M's to Grapes
Awww, how cute is this?? Bug loves her baby brother so much!!
Not that I want to turn this into a Potty blog, but getting your child potty trained is a huge deal, right?! Well, we went one day with no "accidents" (except for the poo-poo--which she was refusing to put in the potty!). Today, for the first time folks, she went poo on the potty!!! I was so excited!! (side note: I knew I always wanted to be a Mommy, and knew obviously, that someday I would be potty training, but I never expected to be so excited about poop before!!!) Anyway, she is progressing well. We are done doing M&M's for rewards for going pee-pee. We went to using grapes (obviously, more healthy--plus I didn't want to look like a bad parent at her first dental appointment!!), but now she doesn't even ask for those! Yay!! Now, we just have to master going "#2", and I will be a happy camper!!!
Other than that nothing much else going on here. There isn't much going on because we have been home for a whole week (potty training)--I am about to loose my mind. What am I going to do during the winter??? Yikes... Anyway, on Sunday we are going to the zoo for a NICU reunion. Bug was a "graduate" of the NICU at our local hospital after her birth, so the hospital hosts a "reunion" every year at different places. This is the first year we have attended, and it is at the zoo. So we have a free day at the zoo, courtesy of our local hospital. Thanks WMH!! This will be our first visit to the zoo this year. Bug will love seeing the animals, and will really love the carousel and the train ride. It will also be interesting seeing her do her potty thing at the zoo...I am guessing I should probably bring lots of pairs of undies and jeans!!
Posted by
1:36 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
One Plump Pumpkin....
So, here is our Little Man practicing for Halloween. I had to go buy this outfit, because the pumpkin costume that Bug wore for her first Halloween was too small. He is wearing 6 month clothes, and will be in 9 month clothes very soon. Little Man will easily pass Bug up in weight, we are sure of it! What a plump, happy little pumpkin!!
Well, Day 5 of Potty Training Boot Camp, and we are doing ok, I think. Each day, Bug gets better about going on the potty. Today, so far, we have had no accidents. :-) She still isn't telling me that she has to go, but I am hoping that will come soon. Right now, I am just watching her body language (tippytoe walking, fidgeting, etc), and then telling her it is time to sit on the potty. She gets REAL excited when she gets a M&M after doing her "business". We are coming along....sometimes I just wish it would go a little quicker. I know, patience-patience-patience.
We have our yearly Florida trip planned out--now I just have to book it. I am waiting to hear back from DH's grandparents to make sure they will be around that week, before I buy 3 airplane tickets. I ended up finding airfare for 3 for $772, SUV rental for $300 (for a week, with DH corporate discount!), and 4 nights at the hotel (right on the beach) for $330. Not bad, I don't think. The only thing that makes me a tad nervous, is that Tampa will be a disaster around that time, because of the Super Bowl. We are planning on flying back home the day before the Super Bowl....bad plan??
Anyway, I better get scrapbooking--must utilize nap time! I will leave you with one more picture I took this morning--it reminds me of how blessed I am to be able to be a stay-at-home Mom.
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1:54 PM
Monday, October 6, 2008
Potty Training 101...
Here is a picture of my best friend, her daughter Brie, and new son Samuel David. He was born on September 28th, at just 5lbs 3oz...what a little peanut!! I can't wait to meet him! I am going back "home" on October 24th for the weekend, and one of the things I will be doing is meeting Samuel. I am sure Brie is an excellent big sister, too!!
Well, we embarked on a new journey...Potty training. Yikes. Talk about stress!! We decided (basically, I decided, because I was sick of changing poopy diapers of a two year old, that I believe can go in the potty) to start this messy process now, since we have no travelling on the schedule for at least a month. We cleared alot of our calendar, and are going for it. We started Saturday morning (when I knew DH would be home all weekend), and the first victory for us was Sunday night. We are going with absolutely no disposable training pants, 24/7. I was quite overwhelmed Sunday afternoon, after I felt that I was doing something wrong, because Bug just wasn't getting it. Then, FINALLY, SHE PEED IN THE POTTY!! After that, it seemed to click more for her. She told us a couple of more times that she had to go, then went on the potty. We were so excited!! (I never thought I would be so excited about peeing...) Anyway, here we are today with a score of: Made it to the potty=2, accidents=2. Not bad for Day 3 with no diapers...
I will update again with more potty stories....I am sure there will be plenty! Here is one more picture of little Sam:
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2:27 PM