Well, another crazy week under my belt--or maybe it just seems crazy since I am still doing a fair amount of "accident" laundry, and it is amazing how much that can fill your days. Bug is doing pretty well with the P.T (potty training). We had a exciting moment yesterday--she realized she had to go (#2) and went up to the potty, and got on all by herself, before I could help her. I asked her if she had to go (#1), and she said...."NO MOMMY, BIG UCKY POO POO!!!" For the sake of retaining any readers I still have, I won't tell you what she calls her "business".
I got a chance to get outside to take some more cute "jumping in the leaves" pictures (or in L.M's case, laying in the leaves" pictures). I will post them at the end of this entry.
Little Man is getting so big...he is eating rice cereal and bananas at lunch AND dinner now. He still isn't too fond of the cereal, but likes the bananas ok. He can almost sit up on his own already...the little dude is strong!
Well, I am heading to "home" in about two hours. I am excited, yet I know I will miss my kiddos so much. This is the first time I have been away from Little Man. Needless to say, I have a feeling I will be calling more often than I would like to admit. It's a mom thing, I guess. On a more somber note, I am not sure if I will stay at my Grandma's house. It will be pretty lonely there, and I know the emotions will flow....since I don't have my two kids there to keep me busy (like the last visit). On the flip side, I only have limited times to stay there, then the house will be sold...so what do I do? Part of me knows I need to stay there, just to deal with some of the emotions, because it isn't good to avoid it. I haven't dealt with it really, since her funeral. It is amazing how much time you don't have (to grieve) when you have two little ones. I think about Grandma daily...many times, but then someone needs a bottle, hands washed, undies changed, diaper changed, etc. I will just go with the flow, and enjoy my weekend.
Here are some of the pictures I took the other day of the kids in the leaves:
Cuddling in the leaves....LM tried to eat the leaf in his hand
That is all for now...Happy Friday!!!
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