Well, we made it through a crazy busy
week. I have been meaning to blog, but, frankly, haven't had too much time.
We had a nice visit with DH's parents over the weekend. They got here on Friday around dinner time. Poor Dad, though, he had a horrible allergic reaction to (we think) some apple cake, and DH ended up taking him to urgent care at 9pm on Saturday night. Other than that, we had a great weekend. Bug loved having her Grammy and Grandpa visit, and after they left talked about them constantly. Visits like that make us wish we lived closer, so we could see them more often.
Due to scheduling issues, we decided against going to LM's birth mom's basketball game on Monday night. It turned out to be a nice quiet night at home. Ahhhh. LM's birth mom and her mother are coming on Saturday to visit (and have dinner) instead.
Tuesday brought us to the adoption agency at 8:30am for signing of our finalization for adoption papers (final step so that LM will have our last name, and be legally ours!). It was exciting for us, as we will soon be legally a family of four. Our social workers (and of course us!) are hoping for a court date before the end of 2008. We are hoping to hear from our social worker on a date sometime this week. On Tuesday night, LM and I went to my bible study group. He slept most of the time....made it easy on Mommy (and Daddy too, since he was home with just Bug!).
Wednesday brought me to the dentist--I thought for sure I had cracked a tooth (or a filling had fallen out). After getting the kids bundled up, and carted into the dentist, I was in there a total of 6 minutes! One look from the dentist, and he said there wasn't a problem. An hour and a half of preparation to get two little ones out the door for a six minute appointment! I guess it's better than having to pay (he didn't charge me!), and/or having to have some work done! I used to despise going to the dentist, and didn't go for like six years. After not going for so long, I had alot of work that needed to be done, and felt like I lived at the dentist office. Since then, I am at my check-ups like "clockwork", and if I think anything is wrong, I go right in. Guess I was jumping the gun a tad with this one, huh?
Thursday, we had a play date, which are always fun--fun for the kids, and nice for the Mommies who get to have some adult chat. Friday we had family pictures at JcPenneys. They turned out ok....not spectacular, but ok. We got a few good shots of the two kids together. The photographer wanted to use a black background for LM's individual pictures. I told the lady that I wanted white background, as you won't be able to see LM's hair. We went back and forth, and she thought his hair "was light enough" to be seen in a black background. UMMMM, NO. LM smiled perfectly (he always does, he is such a happy baby!), but the pictures looked goofy, because, (surprise-surprise) all you could see was his face, no hair. O-well. I only ordered the family picture, and two poses of the two kids together.
Not much more to update on. This week is going to be so much more relaxing. We have absolutely nothing going on. :-) However, because this week was so busy, I only picked up the camera today for the first time. (Bad Mom, I know!) Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!
Here is Bug playing her "Five little monkeys jumping on the bed" board game with Grammy last weekend.Grandpa, Grammy, Bug, and Little Man
Here is LM sitting in a "Bumbo" seat that I borrowed from a friend. It is PERFECT for him right now. I love it! Thanks Katie!!
Awwww, she loves her little brother so much!
This picture was taken after getting home from church this morning. Note the two holes in her tights, and the frown on her face. This is what happens when a (very independent) two-year old doesn't want to hold her mommy or daddy's hand when crossing the street, and throws herself down on the ground in the middle of the street to throw a temper tantrum. After I told her that the tights have to go in the garbage because they are ruined, she, yes you guessed it, threw herself down and had yet another tantrum. Ahhhh...where is that glass of wine again??
Here is our (always) happy Little Man. He is getting so big--we are guessing about 20 pounds now. This outfit he is wearing is a 12 month size. Crazy. We actually switched him out of his infant seat, and into a convertible car seat this weekend. He also rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time this weekend too. What a big boy!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Where's my glass of wine??
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1:42 PM
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