Happy 1st Birthday in Heaven, Grams. I think of you everyday and miss you so much. I love to think back to all the memories you gave me, and love remembering all those times we had together. Thank you for being the best Grandma to me. Thank you for making me feel so loved all the time (even when I misbehaved, and you pulled my ear or pinched my arm!). I always knew that no matter what I did, you would always love me. Everyone says that I was your favorite...it is true, we had a special bond.
When I was little, I remember picking berries with you in the backyard. I remember coming inside and washing them off, and you would let me eat as many as I wanted to. I am quite sure that's why I have a strawberry addiction now! I always was so excited when Mom would let me go with you for a mini-road trip to your hometown. I loved staying in the big hotel on the river and getting my picture taken next to "the big indian" (at least a few times!). While there we would always pay a visit to the cemeteries (and of course, the Sweet Shop too!). I learned very quickly the importance of visiting the final resting places of those we loved so much. I will never forget our trip to Colorado. We had such a fun time--even when you were getting mad because I was speeding on the highway! We had a great time on our trip to California too. I will never forget you, a 76 year old, going on the biggest ride at Disneyland. You loved it, and wanted to go again. We went again. You got soaking wet. You were hilarious!!
I think the most memorable time, though, was the week Bug and I spent with you while you were recovering from your broken hip. I will never forget our chats over our midnight snacks of chocolate malts. I will never forget you saying..."I think it's malt time". It was a busy week because Bug was there, but the times the three of us had that week were priceless.
After you healed and were more mobile, when we were visiting I would laugh when we would wake up to the sound of the blender at 2am--it was malt time, right? At the end of each visit you would ask as we were leaving, "When do you think you will be coming back?" I used to joke.."Grandma, we haven't even left yet!" I remember the last time I saw you in July. Like always, you asked us the question, and while I probably rolled my eyes and teased you, you looked up to me with your beautiful crystal blue eyes and said..."I was just wonderin'... I gave you one last hug and kiss and out the door we went. I won't ever forget that look you gave me.
I was lucky and got to share some of the most important days of my life with you--most of my childhood, my wedding day and the early days after both of my children were born, and for that I am grateful. I am so glad you were able to meet our son. He is such a joy. You would be proud of Bug too. She is such a kind, sweet little girl, and says her prayers very well. She is very "maternal" and knows that when I get sad sometimes, it's because I miss "Gramma Powwy". She knows you are "up dair (points to the sky), wif Jesus. I vow that all our children will know you, the love and kindness you shared, and the kind of Grandma and Mother you were to all of us.
Peace to you, Grandma. I miss you so much, and will rejoice the day we meet again. I love you.

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