Well, our little Bubby is so close to walking. While I was at bible study the other night, he took 6 or 7 steps. He is such a little tester lately too. He will go to something he knows is a "no-no" and looks back at me and smiles. I will tell him no, and he "yells" at me and clinches his fists, then laughs at me. What a stinker. When Bug was that age, and I told her "no", she would cry. I guess that is the difference between boys and girls. I think Bubby will be quite the talker too. He can say "Mama", "up", and I swear I heard him say "no" the other day. I guess that isn't too surprising, since that is about 97% of what he hears from my mouth daily! He also can clap his hands if you ask him (without actually clapping yourself!).
Bug is just loving the nice weather. Most everyday, we are outside playing (as long as it isn't raining). She loves riding her tricycle, blowing bubbles, sidewalk-chalking, and pushing her bubble lawn mower. Right now, though, she is dealing with another sickness. Last Friday, she mentioned to me that her throat hurt. I checked her throat, and it was red, with white spots on her tonsils. We went to the doctor that day, and did a strep test, which was negative. The doctor said though, that her glands we very swollen, so to call back on Tuesday if there was no change. Tuesday, there was no change, and I called the doctor. He gave her a prescription of antibiotics, and said if there is still no change in the size of her glands, to come in on Friday for a blood draw. So we will see. I am sure it is nothing, but swollen glands with no other symptoms bother me. She has had swollen glands many times before, but always when she was sick. Now, you wouldn't know she was even "sick". She is her normal self. THAT is what bothers me a bit...since you can look at her neck and see the size of her glands.
We have enjoyed relaxing and spending alot of time outside. Today, I ran an errand with the kids, and I didn't have to put jackets on. I was so excited!! I didn't even put socks and shoes on LM. Ahhhh, summer is almost here.
Well, I am scarily organized for the kids' birthday in June. I have all their gifts wrapped already, and am visiting the bakery tonight to plan the cakes. All the party favors and flatware are bought. I am thinking of getting a pinata too...
Here are a few pictures from our day outside this morning:
Cute picture...Man, she needs her bangs cut!!
That is all for now...looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home. Happy Mother's Day to both my Mom's!!
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