Hello my two readers...I am sad to say I am again a 'bad blogger'. It has been such a crazy month. We have been constantly busy, so like a can of chicken noodle soup, you are getting the condensed version. Enjoy!!
-Go to knee doctor--having nasty pain
-Sends me for a MRI--mercifully, DH comes home early so I can go by myself
-Go back to Dr to get results--Yes I need surgery
-A friend loses his battle with cancer--Rest in Peace, John
-Bubby says 'pretty' for the first time (while looking at my earrings)
-Go to bible study
-(Oct 7th) Have to cancel playgroup
-Instead, take Bug to a 7:45am immunologist appointment to figure out why she is having so many gland issues.
-Allergy testing, blood test, and an x-ray later: Fairly strong allergy to dogs, dust, and mold.
-Blood tests come back ok, but she needs a booster of one immunization.
-X-ray shows huge adenoids (only 1/4 inch airway)--Dr suggests going to a ENT surgeon
-DH works from home and stays with Bubby, while Me and Bug drive a few hours to attend John's funeral. Spent the whole day travelling, and visiting with his family.
-Free weekend = buy new 42' LCD flat screen TV and install. Yay!
-Bug's good friend has open heart surgery--Thank God she is ok, and healing wonderfully!
-That afternoon, Bug to the ENT surgeon to check on adenoids. Adenoids not big enough yet.
Seriously?!? 1/4 inch airway isn't small enough? REALLY?!? UGH.
-Take Bug to preschool then run errands, fight with a crabby Bubby, pick up Bug from preschool, then home for lunch. Rest. Ahhhh. Wait, I need to do some laundry. Crap...
-Bible Study
-Another of Bug's friends had serious surgery lasting 9hrs--Thanks be to God, he too is ok.
-Preschool again...((why the heck did I sign her up...I hate having to be out the door by 8:45!!)) then home to clean in preparation for family visiting this weekend (Oct 16th)
-Take Bug to visit her friend at the hospital. Get lost, and get home at 9:30pm.
-Make 7 dozen cookies, two pans of lasagna, and a huge salad in preparation for dinner the following night. Go to bed at 2am.
-Do some last minute cleaning. The whole crew arrives Friday afternoon: Uncle M, Aunt T, Cousins T, A, and E, Uncle M, Aunt K, and baby cousin J. Full house, but happy that we finally have room for everyone.
-Saturday morning, off to pumpkin farm-corn maze, picking out pumpkins, had a great time.
-Home for lunch and nap time for the little ones. The three sisters get ready for ladies night out, a play and dinner. Had a awesome time.
-Sunday, Bug sings in church for the first time. I cry. So many years we waited for this moment.
-Home for lunch, family packs and eventually leaves.
-Clean up house, do seven loads of laundry of bedsheets/towels, etc. Ugh.
-Make treats for Bug's treat day at preschool
-Make treats for my bible study
-Playgroup at MJ's--had a great time. Thanks ladies for helping me with the kids!
-Fairly quiet two days at home (FINALLY!)
-Bug and I head to my parents house for the annual girls day at the craft fair. Have a awesome time!
-Home on Sunday, rake leaves, and let Bug run off some energy outside after sitting in the car for 4 hours.
-Knee suffering because of all the raking.
-Scrapbooking night at my friend "T's" house--awesome time with lots of snacks and of course, some scrapbooking.
-Preschool, then home to chill with Bubby. In trying to multi-task, drop cell phone in toilet (clean water!). Back in car head to cell phone store. Halfway there, phone starts working, and is fine. Pick up Bug from preschool, then eat lunch, nap time, laundry time, cleaning time, then finally "oprah" time. :-)
-Off to a pajama party with Bug and Bubby at Bug's preschool
-About 50 3 and 4yr olds and their parents packed into a room...not so fun. Bug had a blast though.
-Was supposed to have bible study after the "PJ party", but hubby had to work, so home with two crabby tired kiddos.
-To bed they go
That brings us to today. I gutted 4 pumpkins (and made two batches of roasted pumpkin seeds), in preparation to carve (as a family) when DH got home from work. He got home at 7pm, just in time to tuck Bubby into bed. So, we are carving the gourds tomorrow night--just in time for Halloween! Tomorrow, Bug is having a "harvest" party at school, and gets to dress in her Halloween costume, which she is super excited about. Friday afternoon I am taking the kids to Trick-or-Treat at DH's work, and of course they will go on Saturday night around the neighborhood. Sunday is 'free'--except for a certain football game the DH will be watching while his posterior is plastered in front of the new 42' LCD TV we have. I am MOST excited about gaining an hour of sleep this weekend though--Daylight Savings Time. Yay for DST!!!
Next week brings preschool and Bible study on Tuesday, Playgroup and another Dr appt for Bug at the immunologist on Wednesday. My Mom is arriving here on Wednesday afternoon sometime. Thursday is my knee surgery, so my Mom is staying to help out till Sunday. MY MOM ROCKS! Thanks Mom for helping out! Our November calendar is filling up quickly....hopefully the next time I blog, it isn't November 28th!! Maybe I will blog next while on my pain pills post-surgery...sure to make you laugh!! Pictures from the past month to follow soon.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Just like a can of chicken noodle soup....
Posted by
8:50 PM
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