Well, life happens, and something had to give. This last month, it was the blog. I am going to really try to manage my time better, and blog more often, so here goes.
We went on a week-long vacation to Florida in mid-January. We stayed at the same condo we have stayed at the past three years for five days, went to Magic Kingdom for one day, then visited DH's grandparents for two days. We really didn't want to come home at all. While waiting for our departure, heading home, I got online and checked the weather. In Florida, it was 74 degrees, at home it was 7 degrees. Hmmmm, 74 degrees or 7 degrees....I just can't decide. That day, I woke up to wonderful, sunny 74 degree weather and went to bed shivering under four blankets--the thermometer said it was 2 degrees outside. Back to reality. Here are some of the pictures from our trip: 
This picture was actually taken at the end of a real long day...we all look a little rough!
Stay tuned to more vacation pictures...
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