Monday, December 3, 2007

A New baby for Bug...

Here is Bug watching her first snowstorm, that dropped about 5-6 inches of snow, covered with ice. That was a fun time. We pretty much didn't leave the house the entire weekend.

We made our reservations for our trip to Florida. We are so excited to get to some warm weather (Daddy), swimming (Bug) and DISNEYWORLD(Mommy)!!! We will be staying with Rob's grandparents for half the time, and we will also be visiting some friends of ours that recently moved to Tampa.

Bug's "Uncle" Dave and "Aunt" Jen (good friends of ours) came over yesterday. We exchanged Christmas gifts, as we didn't know if we would see them again before Christmas. .. This is what she got:

She does LOVE her new Cabbage Patch Newborn. The baby's name is Katelynn Tracy. I guess Bug decided to name the baby after her Aunt Tracy!! It is so cute, though, and just the right size for Bug. She takes Katelynn everywhere!! Thanks Dave and Jen!!

Another bit of of good news...I got a call this morning from the billing office of my IVF doctor. The recent IVF is finally settled with the insurance company. In the past DH's insurance (through his employer) never paid anything related to infertility. Today we received a bit of an early Christmas of a future refund check. Let's just say it would pay for a couple of family vacations to Florida. It's not going to though, it will get turned right around and go to the adoption agency. It was just such a surprise, because when we did the IVF we "knew" that the money was going to be gone, regardless of the results. I guess his insurance was feeling generous the day they paid my claims...

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