Here is a picture of Bug outside playing in the recent snowstorm we had. Daddy took her sledding while the photographer (yes, it was Mommy--who else??) clicked away...Just for the record, the spot of white on her nose ISN'T frostbite (we were only outside 3hrs!--just kidding of course!)--it was a spot of snow that got on the lens. She just loves to go sledding and loved it also when we would make snowballs and give them to her to throw. It is so much fun seeing the wonder in her eyes...
Adoption update: We are continuing to work on our "homework", our self test (Yes, it is actually called the "Self Test"). It is about 7-8 pages of essay questions. It isn't too bad, although, much harder than I originally thought. One of my references let me know she received her homework, so once our references return their "homework" then we will start meeting with the social worker, to get our homestudy completed. Our 18 hours of classes start in January too, so I think we are on our way.
Bug update: Bug's new word is "No". I knew it would only be a matter of time. Yikes...She will answer no to any question you ask her. It is kinda funny in the beginning, but we have learned to not laugh at it anymore. It hasn't taken her long at all to know when not to say "no" to us... She also had her 18 month check-up the other day. She is still in the 75% for height, but has come up in weight to 35%. She also had two shots that day, and was miserable. No side effects, just super clingy, and fussy. If anyone, I can sympathize with IM shots....they suck! So, being the good mom I am (and pushover when it comes to my baby being in pain...), I let her open a early Christmas present, that I knew would take her mind off of her aching legs. It worked...now I just have to listen to her play a elmo piano book for a couple of months!! Gee...sometimes I wish I could just lay my "reverse" card like in UNO and take it back.....!

Here is Bug with Daddy during the last snowstorm...for the record, again Daddy does not have frostbite--just snow on the lens.
Ellen update: I got an email with my prize form, that I signed, scanned and emailed back to them. My friend Tess (from the Ellen show) said that they are on "hiatus" from the show starting Friday. They are going to send me the information on how to book my Vegas hotel, how to get my $400 massager from Brookstone, my fancy-schmancy $70 candles and my $300 skin/hair care package. Hello, EBAY!!
For crying out loud...Who needs a candle that costs that much??? I am certainly the last person that needs such a fancy candle. I am going to ebay this stuff, and then all the "donations" can to to our adoption fund. Lord knows we will need all we can get. As far as the Vegas hotel is concerned, I may have come into some generous plane tickets, by a very generous person (you know who you are...). We will see where that goes...
Just a note--Condolences to the family of my old bank President, Marty. He passed away from a long battle with cancer. He was one of the most fun, humble, great guys you will ever meet. For sure the best boss I have ever had. He taught me a few lessons along the way, and in such constructive ways. Never harsh words, even when you know you screwed up. Heaven gained a real gem on Monday night. Rest in Peace, Marty.
As we are getting closer to celebrating the birth of Jesus, we want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and may God bless you and yours.
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