Here is our story time last night...a story about Gee-Da's (Jesus') birth. This is her favorite book, and Little Man seemed to like it too. The book plays the song "Little Town of Bethlehem", so I think he was enjoying the music.
Well today was my first day at home with two children. It went well...although by 9pm, I was more than ready for bed (which is why this blog, over time, will probably be less and less words, and just more pictures...) :-) I am sure once a schedule is established, it will get more easy.
This past weekend, DH's parents visited. It was nice to have them here, and they fell in love with Little Man. Luckily, they were here, because I got a raging ear infection, and they stayed with the kids while DH took me to urgent care. I was miserable....but nothing that some vicodin and a stiff antibiotic can't take care of, right??
Ok, not much more...our social worker is visiting tomorrow night. I think just to make sure we have all made the transition well, and that Little Man is doing good. We are just so overjoyed, and count our blessings many times a day. Please continue to pray for Little Man's first Mom...she needs all the support she can get. She is so courageous, and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. Please also pray for my best friend and her family. Her husbands grandmother passed away this morning, and along with her death they have so much (medically) going on in their family, so please keep them in your prayers. Thanks...
Now, onto the pictures--Enjoy!

Bug, Grammy, Grandpa, and Little Man

Playing outside with Grammy and Grandpa

Lovin' on her baby brother...

Grandpa's hand looks so big next to Little Man!

Little Man is always smiling....such a happy baby!!

Daddy doing some maintenance on the roof, Grammy documenting, and Grandpa helping! (and mommy re-documenting!!)

Bug loves her Grandpa...

On Saturday after dinner, Grammy, Grandpa, Bug and Mommy went to the park, while Daddy had some quiet time with Little Man.

One of my favorites....Grandpa and Bug look so happy!

My all-time favorite picture of the three of them...

Our little peanut...

Our precious Little Man...