Both kids went to the doctor on Tuesday. Little Man got checked out and is healthy. No need for a "billy blanket", like the hospital thought he might need. On Monday, he looked a tad yellow, but the doctor wasn't worried. I don't see any yellow now at all, so all is fine. Bug, however, was very unhappy at her appointment. She started to cry the instant we walked into the exam room (and she saw the nurse). When we were waiting for the Doctor to come in after the nurse left, Bug immediately said..."All-done, bye-bye, car." Both DH and I cracked up laughing....she hadn't even gotten her shot yet, and she wanted to get the heck out of there!! She is a smart cookie!
Little Man is such a good good natured. He only cries when he is getting changed, or is hungry. Even then, sometimes you have to wake him to feed....he is such a good sleeper!!
Prayer request: Please continue to pray for Little Man's first mommy. She has some tough, emotional days, and could use all the prayers she can get. We love her, and just want her to be able to heal, and be happy. Also, my best friend's (who is having a boy who will have the same name as our "Little Man" in October) husband may have cancer again. He is going to be going to numerous doctors in the next few weeks to determine if the swelling in his face is cancer, or HOPEFULLY, just a swollen/infected lymph node. Please pray for good test results, and NO CANCER!!!
I am too tired for more--I have the early (Little Man) shift tonight which means my bedtime should have started an hour ago....I am short an hour of sleep already for tomorrow! Yikes...Here are some fun pictures from the last couple of days. Enjoy!
A Daddy's Love...
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