Here is Bug opening a gift that was given to her by my bible study ladies group--We call ourselves the Pillow People ( I can explain the name another time!). Tonight was our last bible study for the year (we break for summer, and pick up again in the fall), and they held a surprise mini-party and got some baby gifts for us. They gave us another pack-n-play (which we needed for all our travelling), and a baby girl outfit (they all think it is going to be a girl!). Another lady made a quilt for the baby. How sweet!! It was a complete surprise, and I surely wasn't expecting it at all! Thanks ladies--you are all such blessings!! Also, special prayers for Sue (also in my bible study group)--she is getting ready to have a stem cell transplant for her cancer.
Tomorrow we are headed to an indoor water park for a play date. We (ME) are looking forward to going swimming (floating down the lazy river about 20 times!). When I told Bug that we had to go to sleep so that we good get up and go to the pool in the morning, she started crying and saying..."Poo..." She fell asleep crying "Poo...Poo..." I have to remember that she actually understand much more now...
I am super tired tonight, just wanted to post these pictures:
Bug sitting on a quilt made for the baby by Linda--Thanks Linda, for the beautiful quilt! 

You ladies are so thoughtful--Thanks so much!!
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