Our two bumpkins...Bug is continuing to love on her baby brother, and Little Man is continuing to be entertained by his big sister. Bug is such a help when LM is crying or upset...she will walk over to him, and just talk to him, and immediately he will calm down. Many times when she talks to him he just smiles away. It is hard to believe he is two months old already...time flies so fast.
I have been so sick this week...I felt it coming on a couple of days before our cookout with Little Man's birthmom and her family (almost two weeks ago). Well, it was pretty bad this week...it was such a struggle to breathe. I can pretty much self-diagnose myself now, with my history of lung issues (chronic bronchitis, and more recently, asthma)...I think this week it was bronchitis again (third time this summer!). Good news is, the gunk is breaking up and I am starting to be able to breathe again with no major problems. Now, I just sound like a "pack-a-day" smoker when I talk or cough. Lovely. That will last for about a week or so. Anyway, needless to say, this week, nothing got done at our house. Some days, the kids were in their pajamas most of the day, and on those days, I was lucky to get a shower. O-well...Life goes on.
And since I was so sick and nothing happened, not alot of pictures were taken. I do have a few though...Please enjoy...
Couldn't you just squeeze him???FOR THE RECORD...Bug is drinking pedialyte (albeit out of a shot glass, but only because it was just her size!)
These times go so fast....before I know it, he will be running off to kindergarten... :-(
Daddy and Bug running through the sprinkler
Bug and Little Man going on their first wagon ride together...
Mommy trying to get Bug to smile for a bubble picture to no avail...
One of my favorite pictures
I just realized that I forgot to post some other pics from awhile back, so here are some more!Our gracious neighbor gave us the (practically brand new!) wagon for the kids...(their daughter had outgrown it)
Our sweet little Bug
Helping Mommy make brownies (having some Mommy time while Little Man sleeps)
Daddy, don't worry, Mommy didn't give me any chocolate!
That's all for now~
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