He had his two month check-up today. He is 12lbs 3oz, and 24 inches long (which puts him in the 75th percentile for both height and weight). He had 3 shots, and cried for just a few seconds and that was it! I remember when Bug would get shots, she cried for quite awhile. Anyway, the only new development is that Little Man had a slight umbilical hernia. Dr says it will more than likely fix itself, but if not, they wouldn't do surgery to fix till he was about 4 or 5 years old. It may be the reason for some random fits of crying though...so I am glad I asked about it.
Monday night, DH's sister and her family arrived to spend the night before their flight Tuesday morning to their Florida/Disney/beach/family vacation of a lifetime. The kids were pretty excited, and we were excited for them. They have been waiting a long time for this trip, so we are praying they are having a safe, and awesomely fun time!! After dinner on Monday night, we took the kids to the park to run off (the dinner and brownies we had for dessert) some energy, and Andrew was teaching Bug how to hold a baseball bat. It was the cutest thing...
Tuesday brought our placement ceremony with "H", her mom, us and "H's" social worker. Of course, I cried. It was so touching. Little Man, "H" and Mommy got matching bracelets with a poem that told about what each bead stands for in the adoption triad. We also prayed for each other and for Little Man. After that, we stayed and chatted, went out for dinner, then headed home. Bug didn't get a nap that day, so we were just buying time before an impending meltdown. 
Not much else going on...I am having a girls night out tomorrow night. Much needed down time for Mommy with a movie and dessert with a friend. Another reason I love Daddy so much--he is so supportive of me having these "Girls nights" with other Moms so we can keep our sanity. Sanity is a good thing.
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