Here is Bug practicing for Halloween the other day. I got this Dumbo costume for $8 at a Disney store after Halloween last year. Now I just have to find something for Little Man to wear. I thought I could just re-use the pumpkin outfit that Bug wore, but LM is in 6-9 months clothes already...I think the pumpkin outfit is a 3 month size. That certainly won't work...
Our Little Man has a new best friend. My best friend had a baby on the 28th. Samuel David came into the world at 11:19pm. He was 5lbs 3oz, and 18inches long, and has black wavy hair. He will join his Mommy (Michelle), Daddy (Bob--they are LM's Godparents) and big sister Brie at home today sometime.
We had a couple of firsts for our Little Man yesterday. First, he rolled from his tummy to his back for the first time. He also got to try rice cereal for the first time last night. Recently, he has been waking up in the middle of the night to eat. That doesn't fly with this Mommy. When he had his two month check-up, the pediatrician said at that time, that based off LM's size we would probably need to start him on cereal before the 4 month mark. He was right...6-8oz every 3-4hrs just isn't enough for him. Here are some pictures of his first solid meal from last night:
Before the "meal", er, I mean sloppy mess!!I don't think he cared for the consistency of the rice
He is only smiling because I was making faces at him...after he was done smiling, out the rice would come.
Over the weekend, we introduced Bug to temporary tattoos (they came in a box of pop-tarts!). At first she wasn't a fan of them, but after she saw me put one on, she wanted "more tattoos, Mommy!!". It took her awhile to figure out they weren't stickers...but I still don't think she understood what exactly they were.It was unseasonably warm the other day (and LM was napping), so I took that opportunity to take some outdoor pictures of Bug...I think they turned out pretty good:
This was taken right after she woke up from a nap--she still has the glossed over look in her face!
Playing in the leaves
Picking out the leaves from in between the rocks...
I really like this one...
Anyway, recently I haven't been feeling the best..not sure what is going on, but I have felt nauseous off and on for the past few days. I did go get my hair cut and eyebrows done today (OUCH!!)...both were long overdue! Man, it really makes you feel better when you do something for yourself--nauseous or not, I felt much better!! Bug also got her bangs trimmed, which was more of a fiasco than any other time she has been for a cut. I ended up holding her head which she DID NOT like. O-well...that's life!
So while my "lady" was cutting my hair, she noticed some bumps on my hairline (that have been there as long as I can remember), and said that she can do something to get those to go away. It is hard to explain them though--they feel like pimples, but they don't look like pimples, and they are the same color as my skin. They never got red, irritated, etc. Too much information?!? Anyway, she told me she just rubs this metal thing on my head and within a few hours, the bumps should be gone. She gave me a treatment for free, to show me how it works. The treatment is called CATAPHORESIS. So I lay down and she puts some lotion on my forehead, and gives me a metal rod (that has lotion on it as a conductor) to hold on to. She flips the switch on the machine, and at this moment, I ask her..."So, why do I feel like some kind of experiment on the Frankenstein show???" She reassured me that I would feel nothing, except a "cooling" sensation on my forehead, AND a metallic taste in my mouth....(how can that be a good thing???) She rubbed this metal "wand" on my head for about five minutes, and that was it. That was at 10am--I just checked my forehead (five hours later), and you can barely see the bumps. Interesting...I wish I would have listened more when she was telling me exactly how it works....but at the time I was having a wave of nausea and was concentrating too much on not puking....
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