It has been quite an interesting month. September began with being at home (for only a few days) after my grandma's funeral. We got home from that trip on August 30th. I had a real tough time leaving my family and heading home, because I just wanted to be with them. I wanted to stay at my Grandma's house, be around her things, sleep with her favorite blanket (the one I made her) and be where she most recently was. It may sound weird to some, but to me it was my way of beginning to deal with her death. I muddled through the next week, and decided I would take the two kiddos back to spend some time with my family (and stay at Grandma's house), while DH stayed behind to work. Bless his heart, he totally understood why I needed to do this, and supported me 100%. I love him so much. So, I packed up both kids (and me) and headed to my hometown. We left there on September 12th, and came home on the 17th, just in time to head back on the 19th in preparation for my Dad's surprise 60th birthday party on the 20th. On the 21st, we left for DH's parents house for a visit, and so Little Man could meet his Great Grandma Ruth, Aunt Suzanne, and Uncle Bill for the first time. Finally, we left to come home yesterday the 23rd. That is the short version...
Some crazy things happened along the way: While visiting with my family (12th-17th), I was packing the car to come home (remember, we stayed at my Grandma's house). It was unseasonably hot that day, and thought.."gee, I wonder if we might see some hummingbirds yet this summer..." (Grandma LOVED hummingbirds, but was frustrated the last few summers, because they never came to her hummingbird feeder!) Literally, I turned around, and there was one hovering about two feet from my face at eye level. It turned around, followed the sidewalk, and flew into the breezeway (I had propped open the door to haul luggage out). I broke down and cried, knowing that God had sent this little bird to let me know Grandma is ok, and happy in heaven. It made me happy---I had been praying for some kind of sign--and I believe I got it this day.
No trip can be complete with out getting the "yarps". I think I had some bad red wine this past weekend, while staying at my brother-in-laws house. It had been a rough day with Bug that day, and she was very much acting like a two year old. My BIL offered me a "girly drink", and I accepted. Needless to say, at 4:30am (and again at 5:30am) the following morning, I was wishing I hadn't taken that "girly drink". I knew it had to be bad...that was the first time I have yarped since DH and I have been married! We just had our 10th anniversary....
And most memorable, happened on our trip home yesterday. As we were on the interstate, a semi passed us, and kicked up a vise-grip pliers (that we are assumming was just laying on the road) and it flew halfway through our windshield. YIKES!! Not a fun experience. Lets just say, we were on our knees thanking God that it wasn't a screwdriver, otherwise one of us probably would have been impaled. Very scary. DH only had two pieces of glass that he had to pick out of his skin, and I found one this morning in my leg (don't ask me why I didn't see/feel it yesterday). Luckily, the kids were fine. One of the scariest times of my life...almost like something you would see in a movie.
Here are tons of pictures from recent weeks:
Little Man with his birthmom, "H" on a recent visit
Little Man with "H's" mom on a recent visit
Bug and her cousin Jaxon having storytime
Donna (my uncle's fiancee) and Little Man
Taking a nap with Grandma on her birthday
Cuddling up with Uncle Dan
Happy Birthday, Mom (and Grandma)!!
In memory of Great-Grandma Polly, we saved the bow (only to put it on LM's head)!!
Bug having dinner with Grandpa Hoho
This is a picture of the hummingbird that flew into my grandma's house as I was packing the car to head home. I ended up leaving the doors open and left, because the bird wouldn't fly out. My mom checked on the bird a few hours later, and it had finally flown out.
Babies before baths...
The Thinker...
Here we are back at Grandma's house the day of Grandpa Hoho's surprise birthday party. DH is knocked out because Bug slept with us, and she is a very restless sleeper. He actually didn't get up till 10am this about lazy bones!!
Trying to stall Grandpa before the (surprise) party--Reading to Bug
The Cake
Helping Grandpa open his birthday gifts
(Ok, there are a few that are out of order--they are from the second visit to my parents house)
Bug up in a tree in my Grandma's backyard (the same tree I used to climb and a kid)
Bug and her cousin Killian in the tree
This is the dreaded vise-grip wrench--a picture from the outside. Bug kept saying..."Car-owies, Mama!"
And a view from the inside--from this view it almost looks like some kind of metal rod--that is why initally, we sort of freaked out, thinking of what could have happened and how one of us could have been hurt real bad... 
The last two pictures were taken today in the new jumparoo the my sister gave to me to use for our active Little Man. He LOVES IT!! Thanks, Aunt Erin! Love you, and hope you had a great birthday today!!
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