I can't believe (actually, I can) it has been almost two weeks since I have blogged last!! Time flies, I guess. Alot has happened: a visit from DH's parents the weekend before Christmas, finalization of our son's adoption on the 23rd (what an awesome Christmas Gift!), Christmas, and a visit to my family this past weekend. It is just easier for me to post a million pictures and explain the pictures...enjoy! (you might want to get a warm blankie, a cup of coffee, and a snack...you will be here awhile!!
DH's Aunt Suzanne took this picture of me and my two babies...I love it. Thanks Aunt Suzanne!
A family picture
This is DH's parents, brother and sister-in-law (Matt and Kim). Matt and Kim surprised us all this Christmas with news that Kim is expecting a baby due August 5th! We are so excited for them, and can't wait for another cousin!
My two snickerdoodles
My two watching Charlie Brown's Christmas
This is a gift from Aunt Suzanne--a monkey neck pillow. Aunt Suzanne made it. Bug loves it--it matches her monkey blanket that Mommy made her!
Daddy and LM opening a present
LM loves this toy...thanks Aunt Kim and Uncle Matt!
Grandpa and Bug
Two of Bug's favorite toys--a purse from Aunt Kim and Uncle Matt, and a water bottle from Aunt Tracy and Uncle Michael
Grandpa and LM
Aunt Suzanne and LM
The kids showing off their new bath towels
Bug with her new sweater--she loves this sweater!
Our day in court--it only lasted about 15 minutes. The judge asked some questions, then declared LM our son. I was bummed that we couldn't get any video, but we got this picture. The judge congratulated us, and gave us some paperwork, and sent us on our way. Afterwards, we went home, changed our clothes, and headed out for a celebratory lunch.
At lunch--they have a huge play area for little ones, and a game area for the big kids...er, I mean adults...
LM enjoying his celebratory dinner....
Having fun riding in the car...
Sleepy LM keeping watch over tickets that Mommy and Daddy won competing against each other in a trivia game...
Nice action shot, eh?
Our living room after Santa delivered some gifts, and before the kids were up....
Our LM before opening the gifts that Santa left for him...
The Before picture...
Playing with a toy that Santa brought for LM
Opening gifts...
Bug got an authentic Twins jersey and Daddy got a Rollie Fingers autographed baseball from Santa...
...and LM got a Brewers hat autographed by Marshall Edwards--an outfielder during the 82' season, when the Brewers went to he world series.
Two precious gifts....
My new oven mitts...
A super dad...
It was a long morning for LM...he fell asleep sitting up.
Ok, here we are visiting my parents this past weekend. This is my brother, Dan, and LM. Look at at the curls on both of them!!
Opening gifts...
Grandma Kris and Bug, with Grandpa Hoho and Max the dog in the background
I love this picture of my "baby" brother, Dan and Bug
A cute picture of Bug and Grandpa Hoho
Uncle Mike helping Bug try out her cousin Killian's bicycle that he got from Santa
Killian trying out Bug's new baby doll...
Here were our opponents during a game of "Battle of the Sexes" From left--Uncle Shane, DH, Derek (Shane's brother), and Grandpa Hoho
Grandpa Hoho being silly (or not..) --reading a card with his magnifying glass....time for new glasses, Dad!
Here are the girls...From left: Cathy (Shane and Derek's mom), Mom, me, and my sister Erin. Grrr, we lost against the boys.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Brace yourself.....
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11:03 PM
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