Saturday brought us going to see Santa (he was visiting my old employer). Daddy has been working crazy hours, so he had to work Saturday morning, but met us at the Santa visit. That was fun, as always, and both kids sat so nicely--and with NO TEARS!! Each of them got a goody bag, and a stuffed teddy bear for sitting on Santa's lap. Bug ate LM's goody bag. Another plus for being a big sister!
Home we went to get lunch, naps, and head to LM's birthfamily's house for a early Christmas/birthday celebration. "H's" birthday was this week, so we brought some birthday gifts, and Christmas gifts, and everyone had a ball. It was so much fun to see everyone again, and to get into the Christmas spirit. We had so much fun.
Sunday, we all went to church. Every year at church there is a Christmas concert (instead of a normal service). We have the bell choir, angel choir, adult choir, instrumental music, and more, and they put on this amazing concert. At the end, like in a normal church service, there is Communion. Well, this concert went on for about 1 1/2 hours, so, understandably, Bug was getting antsy. I told her that after we "go up front" (for Communion), then church was over, and we could have a cookie (cookies and coffee in the vestibule after every service). Her reply was..."Momma, I wanna dink (drink) of water". I told her that after we "go up front" and church was over, we could get her a drink of water. She said..."NO Momma, Jesus Water!" I couldn't help but crack up laughing, but at the same time--WOW, this little girl made the connection that Communion = "Jesus Water". She still thinks our pastors are Jesus, and I am assuming she thinks that when you take the wine, Jesus is giving out water. These type of moments are the ones that make me tear up in joy of what God has given to us in these precious two little ones....
Bug and I made cookies on Sunday afternoon (after a nap of course--for her not me--I was out shopping while she was napping)--am I insane? We had a good time, but I was at it for about 5 hours. For those of you who will be eating our cut out cookies--don't worry, the dough I gave Bug to play with isn't the same dough I made the cookies with! There was dough and flour everywhere. I was actually sliding on the floor in my shoes, there was so much flour on the floor. O-well--these are the memories we will look back on. So, after cleaning up a kitchen of flour, green and red sprinkles and dirty pans, we put the kids to bed, and I started the 7 loads of laundry, that I am STILL working on today! I just have to keep reminding myself that the insanity doesn't get easier with a third child....
Here are pictures from the last few days:
This is a favorite picture of mine--unfortunately, DH is at work in this picture, taken by Aunt Suzanne. LM is enjoying pulling Bug's ear...
She loves him so much....
Visiting with Santa
"Who the heck is this crazy lookin' guy??"
Here is "H" with our Christmas gift to her--a cast hand print of LM. I also made her a movie using "windows movie maker" that turned out awesome. I made it to sound like it was a "Thank You" from LM to her. We watched it a couple of times, and there were alot of tears.
LM and his birthmom
A sleepy boy...
Ok, these two cute little boys are "H's" cousins
Making cookies--she looks so happy to be playing with chocolate!
Ummmm, I think that is enough sugar
And this is a cute picture of the kiddos trying out their swimsuits for Florida. I know it will be too cold for the beach or the hotel swimming pool, but probably not for Grandpa and Grandma's swimming pool! I am so excited and can't wait to get away. I know I am an organizing freak, but I wanted to make sure they both fit, so it is one less thing to worry about before the trip (a little over a month away!). How cute are they?!?!
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