Here is Bug watching Daddy shovel up the end of the driveway after the plow came through Saturday afternoon. The whole time he was out there, she was yelling..."Daddy, frow a snowball--but be carefo!!". He threw many snowballs, that I thought for sure would crack the window. This from the same man who in 10 years will be reprimanding our children for doing the same thing. I am not sure what the official snowfall was, but I am guessing we got at least 6 inches. Yuck. I have never been more sick of snow than I am this winter--maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have two kids this year, and it just takes too much energy to bundle them both up to go somewhere when we have a bad case of "cabin fever". I am counting down the days till spring--spring jackets, no hats, mittens, boots. It can't come fast enough!
LM is quite the crawler now. Bug has gotten real good with taking toys away from him that are hers (or that she just doesn't want him to have--because she is a bossy older sister!), and giving him a toy that is his. I am actually working on transitioning LM to a sipee cup (purely for that bad?). For breakfast and lunch today, he did real well. He will be an easy child to transition to milk--I just have a feeling. Might have something to do with his easy-going personality. He really doesn't care how the food gets to his mouth, he just wants it.
The kiddos are still battling this cold. It has definitely gotten better, they just still have horrible coughs. Both have had these coughing attacks in the middle of the night, that just sound horrible--like they can't catch their breath. Not sure what that is all about.
A few pictures:How many babies does one little girl need?? This is a picture of 10 of her babies...we have had a casualty or of the "triplets" took a swim in the toilet awhile back, so she went to "a new home". Don't worry Aunt Erin....if you are having a girl, we have plenty of babies to share!
In the last few days, LM has learned to walk around furniture too. Yikes...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Lots of babies...
Posted by
1:36 PM
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sixth time is a charm....
Lots has happened since my last update TWO WEEKS AGO (I have never gone that long in between posts...bad blogger)! LM has started to crawl now...and man does he move fast! We now live in a "gated community". I can never make it to the phone anymore, having to hurdle two gates in any direction! Bug isn't too happy about having gates up--can't say that I blame her. She is a smart cookie though, and has mastered climbing over one of them.
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3:58 PM
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A LM update...
Happy after dinner....
Posted by
10:22 AM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Day 8
Another awesome thing about our kids...LM slept all but the last 15 minutes of the flight. Taking off and descending didn't bother him at all. As soon as LM woke up, Bug layed her head on my lap and fell asleep. There were only a few times (during some turbulence) that Bug got a look of concern on her face and said..."hold me". They were both angels..
Posted by
3:54 PM
Days 5 - 7
Day 5 started out with us making the 90 minute trip from our hotel on the beach to DH's grandparents' house. The kids were great on the trip. We arrived at their house, and Grandma was gone visiting Grandpa who was still in the hospital recovering from his pacemaker surgery. We had lunch and took some pictures, because both kids were so happy...
A cute picture of LM
As soon as Grandma arrived, Bug told her she wanted to put her "piggies" in the "simmin' poo"
I think it was approx. 4 minutes before we were in the pool...I couldn't resist--the water was 88 degrees!!
My little snickerdoodle...
Great-Grandma and Bug
Two cool kiddos with their shades on, and one cool Great-Grandma! (morning of Day 6, waiting for the pool to warm up...)
Watching a real hungry squirrel get some birdie food (still waiting for the pool to warm up!)
The gang swimming--LM was actually swimming for about an hour. Mommy and Bug stayed and swam for three hours!!! She was a zombie by the end of the three hours....
Grandma giving a swimming lesson...
Our LM loving the pool...
Just Goofin' around...
Cute picture...LM is pretty tired here...(doesn't it look like they could be related?? Same brown skin, same brown curly hair, same eyebrows??)
Playing with the lei's that came from Aunt Tracy and family when they were visiting in Aug 08' (This was taken Wednesday night--Grandpa had just gotten home from the hospital)
Good thing we got our 3 hours of swimming in the day before, because all it did on Thursday (Day 7) was rain, and rain, and rain. Bug was so stir-crazy, we let her go outside anyway...we all needed some sanity!
Grandma, Bug and LM
Grandpa, Daddy and Bug taking a walk in the rain...check out the nice yellow grass!
While they were walking, Grandma had some more quality time with LM
Grandpa and LM
Grandma and Grandpa and the two kiddos
Taking some family pictures at the end of Day 7...This turned out pretty good--this was only the second picture we had to take! That NEVER happens with little kiddos...
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3:00 PM