Day three began with us getting up super early and driving about 70 miles to Orlando to go to Magic Kingdom. We got to the gates where you pull up and pay for parking, and after paying, the kind, "full of happiness too early in the morning" guy told us "Have a Magical Day!". As we pulled away, I laughed and said...Yes, a magically expensive day!!" Once in the park, you could really pick out the northerners from the locals. Those from "up nort" were wearing shorts and short sleeved shirts right away in the morning. Locals were wearing long sleeves and jeans, because of course, they were chilly. It was about 72 degrees. Beautiful weather for visiting Mickey Mouse. The longest we had to wait in line for a ride, all day, was 20 minutes. Perfect. Here are some pictures from our day at MK:

Here we are on the "Its a Small World" ride...you can tell, because both kids are looking everywhere but the camera!

Daddy and Bug riding Dumbo--LM and I are in the "dumbo" in front of them...LM slept through the entire ride...

Breaking for lunch (and dessert!). About a month ago, I promised Bug she could have a Mickey Mouse Ice Cream bar when we went to visit Mickey Mouse. She was so excited to have this ice cream...

Bug climbing through a honey pot at Pooh's play area in Fantasyland

Daddy, Bug and LM on the "people mover" in Tomorrowland

Sitting on Minnie Mouse's couch at her house in Mickey's Toontown Fair

In front of Cinderella's castle

We couldn't find anyone to take our family picture, so this is what we have (about 3pm--at the end of our day at MK)

Waiting for the afternoon parade

The Famous Mouse. Watching our Bug watch this parade was priceless. I honestly have NEVER seen her light up like she did when she first saw Mickey and Minnie. I actually teared when I saw the excitement on her face. On the way home, I mentioned it to DH...he said..."You too, huh?"

Aladdin and the Genie

Belle and the Beast--I am pretty sure that whoever pulled the short straw to be the Beast this day was pretty warm in that outfit!! After the parade, I let Bug go pick out a couple of "presents" at one of the gift shops, and of couse LM got his "first Mickey t-shirt" too. After some shopping, we headed back "home". This was the scene about 9pm. Bug is cuddling her stuffed Nemo she got at MK. (this is also the best picture I took of our room)

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