Our day started out with two happy children--We all slept like rocks after walking all over MK the day before. Yay--we were all well rested.

DH so lovingly offered to take the kiddos on a walk to a nearby park, while I got to shower in peace...nothing better than that!

After the park, I picked everyone up and we headed to Johns Pass for lunch. Johns Pass has a boardwalk with shopping, and restaurants. Bug wanted to "buy sompin' for baby wiff my own moneys". We went into a store and Bug bought her brother this little puppy with her own money. She actually dug into her purse and pulled out her money, telling the cashier that she was getting it for her "baby brother". So cute....and he LOVES this puppy!

Here is a picture of the kiddos chillin' with the pirate...(we have taken a picture of Bug on this pirate's lap for the last 3 years--I will post those another time!!)

A pelican who seemed to pose just for me...(I have two other pictures of him turning his head and staring right at me...for a minute I thought he was going to fly at me and poke my eyes out!)

This was a view off of the boardwalk--people would go out for fishing excursions, and these guys would fillet their fish for them. Note the huge amount of pelicans waiting for lunch. It was funny watching them fight over the fish pieces...( I had a good close-up picture of the pelicans fighting, but for some reason, the picture refuses to upload to blogger)

Plink my DH in any city and he can sniff out an environmental site blindfolded--I am so proud!

After all the walking, shoppin, and eatin' we did, it was back to the hotel for a dip in the pool. Bug went for a nap, and I took LM for his first experience in a swimming pool. He LOVED it!!

After naps, we had a early dinner then headed back to the beach to catch our last beautiful beach sunset.

Me and my babies...

While walking the beach, of course we always look for cool shells. This one was perfect--beautiful. I picked it up and....a huge claw came out! (The red arrow is pointing to the crabs claw) Um, yeah, we won't be taking that shell home--DH threw it back in the ocean.

This was one of Bug's favorite things to do...chase the "birdies". DH affectionately calls them "rats with wings".

My sandy, beach lovin' girl....

Waitin' for the sunset....

Well worth the wait....

Almost gone....After cleaning up from our last night on the beach, we went out for ice cream. Mmmmm, chocolate peanut butter waffle cone!
Note: I don't normally do a play-by-play of our vacations, but I actually brought a travel journal with me with the intention of starting to journal our family trips...it didn't happen, hence the play-by-play blog.
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