Inspection on our house done--everything is fine.
Had son's 1yr pictures taken.
Last minute running around for the big party.
Family came to town Friday night
Pick up balloons for party Saturday morning.
More family and friends arrived for big party a few hours later.
Family stayed till Sunday afternoon.
Kids crashed.
Parents wanted to crash but couldn't. Had to find a house to buy.
Spent two hours on Internet looking for a house.
Found 3 properties to look at. Made appointments to look Monday night.
Dear friend graciously offered to watch both kids Monday night. Bless you.
Total bonk on the three houses.
Found another house--made appointment for Tuesday.
Brother-in-law and wife visit and we attend a baseball game Tuesday night. My team loses.
Another Dear friend watches the kids' while we attend the baseball game. Bless you.
Daughter went swimming in pool in backyard today.
Daughter didn't get burned, Mom did.
Went in for second showing of the house tonight. Still liked it.
Wrote offer.
Daughter has 3yr pictures tomorrow morning.
Daughter and Son have 3yr and 1yr doctor appointments on Friday morning.
Pack for the weekend--going out of state for a baby shower, and visiting with family.
Monday, appraiser visiting our house.
and on, and on, and on....
((starting to go below the surface of the water...))
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
keeping my head above water...
Posted by
10:53 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
Crazy busy....
LM and his birthmom, "H", helping LM open some early birthday gifts
That is about all of the craziness for now....tonight we are going to look at two properties in a neighboring city. Can't wait!! This weekend is the big party for Bug and Bubby birthdays'. We are going to have quite the crew here--about 30 adults, plus kids. Aughta' be another crazy and fun day!!
Posted by
1:26 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009
He is here!
Posted by
7:42 AM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Everything has a story...
Well, what a week!! Tuesday and Wednesday I spent most of the days getting the house ready to go on the market. The realtor came over and took pictures on Wednesday night. The house officially went on the market on Friday. I left with the kids and headed "home" to attend my Grandma's estate sale. I needed to do a final run-through of all the stuff before strangers came to buy. It was a bit more emotional than I thought it would be...just seeing strangers buying things. I found myself telling people "take good care of that table now...", or "oh, that was the music box she liked best", or "that sat on her hutch for the longest time...". Everything has a story. I found myself reminiscing more and more as the days wore on. It was sort of a sad day. So final. If I had room I would have taken more, but am sure that my DH would have not been happy with me bringing a antique table and rocking chair home, when we are trying to pack up the stuff we already have...

And last but not least, the prized "stool". This stool was fought over so much when I was growing up, it was ridiculous. As kids, the four of us would fight over who would get to sit on this at any holiday meal, that was always held at Grandma's house. I don't know yet the story behind this stool, but I have always loved it. The hat on top of the stool, was worn by my Grandma when married for the second time (after being widowed very young) in 1963. I think I am going to take some of the real old things and have Bug's picture taken with them. Maybe the hat and a couple of the less damaged pieces of the wedding dress (just to be sat in the background, not worn!). Haven't figured out how I will do that just yet, but it would be neat to have the picture for her children and grandchildren.
Just remember, everyone and everything has a story...preserve those things for future generations. They are priceless.
Posted by
2:32 PM