Ok, so I am turning into a bad blogger. Recently, I just can't keep up with blogging. I think it might have something to do with selling a house, trying to find a house (so we aren't homeless in two months!), and preparing for my son's 1st birthday, and my daughter's 3rd birthday. Yup, I think that is it. We had our house on the market for 13 days, and we now have an accepted offer. The inspection is tomorrow morning at 9am. We aren't too worried about that, though. DH has been working crazy hours, which leaves me running all around trying to find a house, and running errands house selling/buying related. The fun never stops at our house. :-) That is the long and short of it...I will leave you with some recent (and not so recent) pictures of our life the last week and a half. Enjoy!
LM's first spaghetti dinner...with a SMALL amount of sauce. I didn't feel like taking an hour cleaning him up...
I am pretty sure Bubby tasted each and every one of the pieces of chalk in the box...yummy. Just for the record, Bug is blowing away the chalk dust, not licking the ground.
Our masterpiece!
Loving the new playhouse...
Nice action shot...
Last Thursday was Bug's first day of Preschool. She didn't miss me a bit, and she had so much fun. ((sniff sniff)) My baby is getting so old...time flies SO fast. 

(After I dropped Bug off at preschool, I got a call from our realtor that we had an offer on our house, that we accepted) That same night, we took LM to get his first haircut. He didn't cry, just sat there and watched. This is the before picture--another good before picture is the "pinecone" picture at the beginning of this entry. 
Deciding how much to cut off...
Cutting off the ponytail lock of hair for his baby book...
Not looking too happy here...
Except for LM's hair, they look alike here...weird. Man, did he need a haircut!! Uff-da!
Wanna pinecone??LM and his birthmom, "H", helping LM open some early birthday gifts
That is about all of the craziness for now....tonight we are going to look at two properties in a neighboring city. Can't wait!! This weekend is the big party for Bug and Bubby birthdays'. We are going to have quite the crew here--about 30 adults, plus kids. Aughta' be another crazy and fun day!!
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