I am so proud to announce the arrival of my new nephew, Leo, born June 3, 2009, at 6:28pm (via C-section, after a very long day!), weighing 6lbs 12oz, and 20 inches long. We are so blessed to have him and his Mommy be healthy after the rough pregnancy. Daddy did well too (I can't believe my little brother is a Daddy!) Welcome to the world, Leo. We love you! Just out of the OR, hence the scrubs... Daddy and Leo
Formal application submitted 12/10/07 First joint interviews 1/15/08 Individual interviews 1/25/08 Adoption medical exam 1/28/08 & 2/5/08 Final interview and home visit 2/5/08 Final Profile completed and online profile submitted 2/20/08 Approved!!!! 2/20/08 Profile shown for 1st time 3/5/08 First meeting with a birthmom 4/28/08 Matched!!! 4/28/08 "H" Due 6/25/08 Heard baby's heartbeat 1st time 5/13/08 Saw baby move in "H's" belly 1st time 5/17/08 Little Man born 6/21/08 Little Man baptized into Christ's family 8/3/08 Little Man is forever ours 8/12/08 Finalization of the adoption of our son in court 12/23/08 God is Great!!
Blessed to be a Stay-at-home Mommy to a wonderful four year old little girl, we call "Bug" and our adoption blessing, a two year old little boy we call "Little Man". We feel completely blessed that God chose us to be parents to our Little Man, and can't wait to see what else HE has in store for us.
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